Coaching for Millennials: A How to Guide for All Things Life & Career | Helping People Design their Career & Life Roadmap By Uncovering their Strengths, Passion & Purpose
Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Do you feel like something is missing and you need some guidance? Do you often feel unfulfilled with what you’re doing on a day to day basis? Well, I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to feel that way anymore. I’m here to help you through your journey in life. To gain clarity, find purpose and passion. My name is Jose Miguel Longo. I’m a gay Hispanic, a husband, dog Daddy, an advocate for social justice, DEI, an ally for all LGBTQ+, a career and life coach and millennial born in 1983. I have spent my time since the age of 14, working my way around the world of work. I know my God given talents are to help those around me to gain clarity in their lives while finding their passion and purpose. For the last decade, I’ve spent my time coaching college students and alums from all three generations X, Y and Z and designing their career stories and mapping what they’re wanting to do in their lives. The podcast Coaching For Millennials is a how-to-guide for all things career life and a sprinkle of everything in between is an all-inclusive space for meaningful conversations on topics happening in our world right now. It is a space for people to go on a holistic journey and uncover their passion and purpose. I’m here for all generations, no matter what you identify as if you’re seeking to transition from a career industry or job to another or ready to transform your life completely. I got you boo. Whatever the fantasy you’re trying to create. Let me make it happen. If you’re ready to start the journey to explore your passion and purpose, get focused on gaining clarity to transform you to a place that will fuel you and inspire you and sprinkle some joy and laughter in between. It’s time to dive into Coaching For Millennials! Visit our website:

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
EP33: MILLENNIALS & GEN Z: Revolutionizing the Path to a Brighter Future
This is a special episode on the show because it is Election Day! Yes folx, Tuesday, Nov 2!
Did you vote? I was so excited to go and vote today and purposely waiting until today because for me I didn't feel like I would have to wait what may feel like an eternity for the results.
Voting is so important!!
It's your civic duty!
It's your right!
It's your voice!
It's your vote!
And guess what it matters today more than ever! Get out and vote if you haven't! Polls close at 9pm tonight and you can find out where to vote by visiting to find your closest polling location.
In this episode I share my views, thoughts and opinion on how the #Millennial and #GenZ generations are shaping the next wave of our workplace, our rights, our democracy and our future.
The world is changing in front of us and we have to embrace the change and join in to support it.
There is so much healing our nation and country need! We are still living in a pandemic, there are people's rights on the line and social injustice taking place. We have to be the change we want to see and we need to come together to support each other.
At the root of it, time and time again, these two generations value democracy, race, climate, the economy (more specifically student loan and credit card debt), inclusion, balance and collaboration/partnerships.
I can't wait for you to listen to this episode and to hear what you think. If you like what hear and you found value in this episode, remember to head over to Apple Podcast and leave a review. Be sure to screenshot the review and post it over on Instagram, tag me at josemiguellongo for your shout out!
Peace and love,
José Miguel

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
EP32: WHAT'S YOUR WHY? Discovering Your GOD Given Purpose
Hey Chit Chatters!
Happy Thursday!!
I know I've been talking a lot about my new found relationship with God and I want you to know that it's important for everyone to find a connection with who ever and whatever they believe in. I mean this in every respectful way possible. Faith and spirituality is very important and we have to dig deep to build a connect to what brings us life and lifts us up.
This journey for me is important so I can be the best version of me as I continue to coach everyday!
In this short episode I share some details on purpose on how asking "What is your why?" can help you figure out what your purpose is and what God needs you to do.
Everyone has a purpose in life. We need to take action to find what it is. We have to get messy and roll up our sleeves to see what we are meant to be doing.
Dive into this episode and hear me talk about a few ways you can discover your purpose. There is more to come on this in future episodes!
If you're seeking to purchase the Bible Study Book/Journal I am referring to in this episode, you can find it here .
Until the next episode!
José Miguel

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Hello Chit Chatter!😘 Happy Friday! In this episode I get deep down and honest about my current state of mind. Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and depressed is never fun! I've been seeking to gain clarity through spirituality and connecting with God. I've always believed in God and known he was there but as a grown adult struggled with connecting with him/her and letting them guide me. I am seeking to connect and realign with my spiritual self.

Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
EP30: My 12K Giveaway: 1 Spot Left For A FREE 90 Coaching Program!!
In this episode I am breaking down the details of my 12K Giveaway! I am excited to help those in need and this idea of giving away coaching is so important now more than ever.
Here are the details I share in this episode and how to find the post you need to reply to get your foot in the door.
🥳 My $12K Giveaway!🥳Hello friends!As some of you may or may not know over the last 2 years I have made it my mission to launch career and life coaching practice. I’ve been coaching in the Higher Education field for over a decade and I’ve felt the calling to serve a larger audience while using my talent to clarify people’s strengths, values, skills and talents.I now guide others step by step on how to achieve a meaningful and successful career, gain clarity to envision, design and build their business and lead a life that is fueled by values, driven by purpose and the passion to achieve success. I have combined 15 years of coaching in life, business and career with an accredited Life Purpose Coaching Certification a Masters of Higher Education and I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of students and clients achieve the dream jobs and careers in the last decade.I’ve built my practice and coaching programs from the ground up and looking to level up my coaching by giving back to people in this time of need. I am now looking for 3 people to invest 3 months of my own time and $12,000 of my own money to help them in their careers and lives.
***Comment on this post in any of the social media platforms listed below and send me a DM or INMessage when you've done it!***
Where to find the post and how to contact me:
Facebook Profile:
Facebook Group:
Facebook Page:

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
EP29: THE CAREER EDIT: Gaining Clarity Through Strength X Values
How are y’all doing? How are you feeling in this new season?
Have you been feeling drained with all the things? I know, me too!
We can talk more on this later….hint..hint ;-)
In this episode, I go into a deep dive on my version of The Career Edit. Yes, this episode title was inspired by the hit Netflix show The Home Edit. Don’t you love that show? I am so obsessed with it!
The reason the show inspired me is because they work with their clients to help them organize their spaces in their homes. In the process they focus on clarifying needs of items and editing them out, while strategizing and compartmentalizing the items into zones to make sense of the space.
This is relatable to career and life because we always want to gain clarity in our lives when we are experiencing seasons of change, which in turn create growth!
To gain this clarity we have to go back to exploring our values and to what makes the most sense for us. Our values fuel our purpose and provide us with that feeling of groundness, while connecting to our strengths, which then gives us the opportunity to realize what we truly want and what we are ultimately able to achieve.
So if you’re feeling stuck in funk with your career or life this quick Values X Strength exercise helps link what's most important to you and allow you to hone in with what you value the most!
Let’s get started!
Be sure to find a place where you can be alone for at least 10 minutes and be sure to bring a pen and paper with you (journal or notebook).
Close your eyes and relax for a minute or so and take a series of deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Step 1: Think of a time in your life when you had an experience, a moment when you were at your best.
What does at your best mean? This is when you were in a moment of joy, gratitude, success, happiness, energize or excited. An experience that was memorable.
Step 2: Write down this experience/moment. Why was this experience so important and life changing?
Step 3: Next, I want you to think about this experience and take a look at the list of values below. Which of the values do you feel your experience is most connected to? Write them down. These are just a short list. You can come up with your own if you feel more comfortable.
Having Impact
Hard Work
Health Helping Others
Social Service
Step 4: Take your list of values and then rank them in order of importance to you. For example 1= Most Important | 2= Important | 3= Somewhat Important | 4= Least Important 5= Not Important (you can make your choice on how you label them too!)
Step 5: Last step! I promise.. I want you to think about your top 5 Strengths.
Write them down in number order on the left side of your sheet of paper or in your notebook.
Across from this list on the right side of the paper, write down your values.
Draw a line from the strength to the value to highlight the connection between each. This will indicate how you weigh your values with your strengths.
This is going to help you align your values with your true heart and all the important things to help you get clearer and more focus, while being able to define the strengths that are truly important to you AND help you get more engaged with what you want out of life and your career.
Schedule a session to help you get more clarity in your exploration and discovery process. (Special promo for $50.00 off 1 hour session when you mentioned PODCAST in your checkout.)
Purchase a Strengths Coaching Package which includes a 1 hour session to do a deep dive of your strengths and how to use them in your career, life, relationships and even business. You also get a link to a StrengthsQuest code to complete the assessment and learn your top 5 themes. This package is sure to get you energized and focused.
12K Giveaway
I recently made an announcement on social media that I was doing a 12K giveaway of my own money to help 3 people for 3 months to help them in their careers and lives. These are 3 exclusive spots in my coaching program and I still have room 1 more! If you think you need this in your life and want to see if you qualify, comment to the post on Facebook:
and Instagram @josemiguellongo and let me know why you need this. If you’re not comfortable commenting head over to the DM’s. I will be on the lookout for your comments and messages. Can’t wait to hear from you!
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel

Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Since I can remember interviewing was always one of my favorite things to do! I know, I am a true dork! BUT..I always felt energized by the idea to answer questions about myself because no one knows you better than YOU!
One of the most important parts about interviewing is that it's just a conversation. Whether you're in an interview with one person or a group, it is about you sharing your brightest moments and being able to let others get to know you. Learn about your skills, values, and experiences.
You should always remember that you're interviewing them too just as much as they're interviewing you! You want to make sure these folx jive with you and that the feel of the environment and culture of the organization matches your style and your energy. If you're doing a remote interview, ask questions about the work environment and how they would describe it.
Review the Job Description
This is critical to help you understand what they expect of you in the role. The job description has the day to day responsibilities that you should anticipate if you were hired.
A question you can ask is, "What are some challenges you expect your ideal candidate to have in this role?" If their response is way off from the job description then you know you need to ask more questions.
Why Are You Interviewing? Are You Qualified For The Job?
You're probably wondering why this would be important. Truth is sometimes we get too deep into the job search process and don't always ask ourselves if this job is going to be a good fit. You want to make sure that the company truly where you see yourself spending your precious time.
Research The Company, Culture, What They Do and The Job!
DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! As I mentioned in the podcast you have to be on your "A" game to answer questions about the organization. Get a feel for who they are and what they do.
Create Practical Questions To Ask In Your Interview
You can google some questions to ask, but I think you should do your homework to get a better sense. Be mindful of how many questions you ask.
Practice Your Posture, Body Language and Speaking
Work on this with a friend or family member. This is important. You want to seem engaged and ready to work!
Consider How You Would Answer Behavioral Interview Questions
Most interviews are behavioral. This means the questions are shaped around a situation that you need to share your experience.
Typically you're asked to provide examples of how you handled a situation. I would encourage most people to review the STAR methodSituation
This is a common way to provide the interviewer with all details related to their question.
A good way of practicing is by reviewing the responsibilities in the job description and thinking of scenarios that may arise from those duties.
Conduct a Practice OR Mock Interview
Practice doesn't make perfect always, but helps you to relax be more comfortable in the situation and handle the conversation more smoothly
Prepare Your Resume
Most companies have your resume before you arrive. BUT don't always expect that they will. Be sure to ask during the time of scheduling your interview who you should anticipate to meet with. Or ask how many people.
If you don't get a response, bring a minimum of 5 copies of your resume with you
Day Prior to Interview: Review Details of Location/Time/Attire
A practice run is always ideal for travelling to an interview. Get familiar with your location and how much time it takes to travel. Arrive 10-15 minute prior to your interview.
If your interview is remote, great! Be sure to look fresh and groomed (good lighting and professional attire)
Business Professional is always BEST for an interview. Unless otherwise noted by the employer, you should ALWAYS plan to dress in a suite of sorts. You can google Business Professional for some suggestions.
Stick to neutral colors, no patterns or flash colors.
Sell Yourself- They Want to Get to Know You!
The most common incorrectly answered interview question is, "tell us about yourself" People miss the opportunity for a connection to be developed. Really tell them who you are!
Send a thank you email or note within 24-48hours your interview. Be sure to highlight critical points of the conversation.
12K Giveaway
I recently made an announcement on social media that I was doing a 12K giveaway of my own money to help 3 people for 3 months to help them in their careers and lives. These are 3 exclusive spots in my coaching program and I still have room 1 more! If you think you need this in your life and want to see if you qualify, comment to the post on Facebook:
and Instagram @josemiguellongo and let me know why you need this. If you’re not comfortable commenting head over to the DM’s. I will be on the lookout for your comments and messages. Can’t wait to hear from you!
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel
#interview #interviewing #jobsearch #practice #careerreadiness #career #job #life #prep #careercoach #gethired

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
EP 27: PIVOTING TO SUCCESS: How to Assess Yourself to Build the Life You Want
I want to do a shout to all of the amazing superfans who listen to the show day in and day out and have taken the time to rate, review it and love it!
Thank you to @TheTiffanyHuff, Kristin Dronchi, ProducerKFC, & Jenilegs YOU PEEPS ROCK!!!
In this episode I am digging deep to help people find what the need to change to help them pivot into their success.
Change is a scary thing! No one really likes change and people usually struggle with accepting it. However from change comes a lot of growth, a lot lessons learned and tons of success.
BUT let’s clarify something about SUCCESS….
ONLY YOU can define your success
ONLY YOU have the ability to decide what a success is for you and your family
ONLY YOU can make your success a reality
Do hear this? Well you’re reading it now! THIS IS GOLD!!!
This message right here is what’s really going to give you the leg up on shifting your mindset and your energy to get out of your comfort zone, lean into change and make some actions that will create the change for your LIFE!!
If you want to build a life that is successful to you, especially now that I know many people have been assessing their lives, wants, needs and future you need to take note some really important questions.
What do you want for your life? Be realistic and think about the things you can work hard at achieving.
What do you see yourself doing in the next 5 years? 10 years is too far and not tangible. 5 years will allow you to make some goals that you can achieve and have some impact in achieving them.
These are some big steps and questions to consider while make some changes. Start small and write down the things you enjoy the most and want to do more of. How can you make time for that?
I want to grow this show, the listeners and give you more coaching!
I am going to make a commitment to have 2 episodes a week. I am going to do my best to bring more content and amazing guests to the show to share thoughts on culture, society, business, life and coaching. Can’t wait for you to listen
12K Giveaway
Just yesterday I made an announcement on social media that I was doing at 12K giveaway of my own money to help 3 people for 3 months to help them in their careers and lives. These are 3 exclusive spots in my coaching program and I still have room 1 more! If you think you need this in your life and want to see if you qualify, comment to the post on Facebook:
and Instagram @josemiguellongo and let me know why you need this. If you’re not comfortable commenting head over to the DM’s. I will be on the lookout for your comments and messages. Can’t wait to hear from you!
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel
#giveaway #pivot #success #change #growth #life #coaching #coach #lifecoach #business #career #action

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
EP 26: MAPPING YOUR CAREER: How to Discover & Design What You Should do For Work
It is often believed that what we study, if you got to college, will lead you on a path to a successful career. We'll as the amazing coach that I am, I am here to tell you that is false.
College is about exploring and learning about your skills, talents and values. It a time to dive deep into yourself and discover who you are, where you want to go and who you want to be.
The truth is 50% of college graduates don't lead fulfilling careers that were based on the major they studies while in college. I, know crazy to think that! You're probably wonder what, wait, why? What do I do now?
Well listen into this episode where I help you uncover the exploration phase, the informational interviewing phase, and the taking action phases of designing and discovering what you should do for work.
Let’s setup a free 30 minute coaching call to get you on the right path. Email us at, slide into our DM’s on Instagram and Facebook @josemiguellongo
We have a coaching package for everyone’s needs! Be sure to visit the website:
Don’t forget to join the Facebook Community for more content and great conversations:
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel
#discovery #career #passion #purpose #explore #life #work #happiness #success #joy #values #skills #talent #journey #careerdesign #careermapping #interview

Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Quick Bonus Episode!!!
Tell me....What Brings You Joy?
I want you all to listen and I hope this quick episode fills you with inspiration to want to do more, get out of a funk, talk to a friend, make connections.
I want to people to think about what are the things that bring them joy? What do you love to do the most in your life? Can you do those things now? What can you do things differently? Try something new! Explore | Discover | Connect
My hope is to bring you joy and inspiration while reminding you to find your joy again!
I want to hear from you! Share with me what brings you @josemiguellongo on facebook, instagram, twitter and linkedin
Tell What Brings You Joy? And if you don't know let me help you find it!❤️🙌🏾😍
See you in the next episode!
Lots of Love,
José Miguel

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
EP 24: THE DONUT SHACK: Defining Your Passion & Pivoting to Success with Nicole Vivieros
In this episode I had a conversation with my friend Nicole about her new venture, The Donut Shack. Being a baker was something Nicole had been super passionate about for over 7 years. She had started small back in 2013 and was distracted by LIFE!
She put her baking dreams on hold and shifted her multi-passionate entrepreneur ideas to wanting to create retreats. She ultimately wanted to create an Adult Girl Scout experience and create delicious confections for her troops.
Nevertheless she kept finding herself further away from her original passion of creating food for people. As life went on Nicole discovered that she had a diary allergy and couldn’t eat certain foods especially donuts. She then came up with the idea of creating a donut that is 100% Vegan, Dairy Free, Nut Free.
BUT…It gets better, Nicole isn’t an ordinary baker she is also a Construction Manager! Nicole knew she always wanted to do something with baking, but she is using her current full-time role to help make the side hustle the real deals.
In this episode you can hear the following takeaways:
All it takes is 20 seconds of courage: most things we find to be uncomfortable, confusing or even awkward will pass. Take a dive a something your gut is telling you to do is the first step to getting to where you want to go.
Make a list: Look at all the things you love to do and write them down. You’re going to always looks for ways to help your business grow and pivot
Don’t give up on your failures: Mis-steps and failures are intended for us to grow and be able to learn from them. The period where we feel that we failed miserably are moments of success in learn how to be the best version of what you need to do.
Consistency: This probably the most important of them all. You want to make sure everything you set out to do you do it consistently and don’t stop
All the Feels: When you’re so excited you think you might throw up, that when your energy, time and hard work has paid and you’re actually doing what it is you are meant to be doing.
Currently I’m a construction project manager, who has been making carrot cake for nearly two decades as Xmas gifts. Always had a dairy allergy and recently went vegan earlier this year. I have a niece who’s allergic to nuts and a friend who’s allergic to gluten. Those three things helped me come up with my basis for the donut shack and how I make the donuts.
Went to a Trace School for Culinary Arts. Got my associates in entrepreneurship. Grew up in a family business (not food related). Always been interested in startups.
To find Nicole she is on Facebook and Instagram at Nicole Marie Vivieros
You can find the Donut Shop on Instagram @the.donut.shack & on Facebook @
Visit the website to place your next order:
Let’s setup a free 30 minute coaching call to get you on the right path. Email us at, slide into our DM’s on Instagram and Facebook @josemiguellongo
We have a coaching package for everyone’s needs! Be sure to visit the website:
Don’t forget to join the Facebook Community for more content and great conversations:
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel
#passion #purpose #business #entreprenur #followyourpassion #donuts #millennials #vegandonuts #courage #pivot #multipassionate #growth #success #career

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