Coaching for Millennials: A How to Guide for All Things Life & Career | Helping People Design their Career & Life Roadmap By Uncovering their Strengths, Passion & Purpose
Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Do you feel like something is missing and you need some guidance? Do you often feel unfulfilled with what you’re doing on a day to day basis? Well, I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to feel that way anymore. I’m here to help you through your journey in life. To gain clarity, find purpose and passion. My name is Jose Miguel Longo. I’m a gay Hispanic, a husband, dog Daddy, an advocate for social justice, DEI, an ally for all LGBTQ+, a career and life coach and millennial born in 1983. I have spent my time since the age of 14, working my way around the world of work. I know my God given talents are to help those around me to gain clarity in their lives while finding their passion and purpose. For the last decade, I’ve spent my time coaching college students and alums from all three generations X, Y and Z and designing their career stories and mapping what they’re wanting to do in their lives. The podcast Coaching For Millennials is a how-to-guide for all things career life and a sprinkle of everything in between is an all-inclusive space for meaningful conversations on topics happening in our world right now. It is a space for people to go on a holistic journey and uncover their passion and purpose. I’m here for all generations, no matter what you identify as if you’re seeking to transition from a career industry or job to another or ready to transform your life completely. I got you boo. Whatever the fantasy you’re trying to create. Let me make it happen. If you’re ready to start the journey to explore your passion and purpose, get focused on gaining clarity to transform you to a place that will fuel you and inspire you and sprinkle some joy and laughter in between. It’s time to dive into Coaching For Millennials! Visit our website:

Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Episode 23: PASSION VS PURPOSE: How to Fuel Your Passion & Connect to Your Purpose
In this week’s episode we are talking about the discovery and exploration of passion vs. purpose. Both are different but connected.
Here is this quote I mentioned, “Life is a process, not an outcome. It’s like a dance, with a really good set of dance moves” – Bill Burnett
What is Passion?
Passion is used to describe and define emotions & feelings.
It resembles strength and conviction to things we love or hate.
It shares powerful enthusiasm that can often display our deepest desires.
What is Purpose?
Purpose is defined in a more intentional level and way. It’s connected to our behavior, it influences our goals, provide direction and gives us meaning.
Most people would say their purpose is what get them up in the morning and their reason for living.
Purpose also has a deeply rooted connection to achieving a goal that is often long-term but most importantly are meaningful both personally and professionally.
Our passion will fuel our purpose and give it the energy to live and connect to goals that can help us achieve satisfaction and success.
In a more symbolic lens, passion fuels the excitement and motivation to allow purpose to allow purpose to follow the journey through life.
How to Connect Your Passion & Purpose?
Passion will ALWAYS come first. It’s the vehicle that will allow the purpose to take you on the journey. The connection is YOU pushing the start button or turning the ignition.
To find your purpose…
You need to EXPLORE!
Spend time thinking about what you like and you don’t like to discover the things that truly give you the energy and motivation you for what you want to spend all of your time doing them.
These things should be things that excite you and come easy to you.
Keep a journal to document your journey. In this process, ask yourself these questions and make a list:
What are your favorite things in the world?
When you wake up in the morning what motivates and excite you?
Draft a statement of purpose you’re choosing to live by
Follow your heart and listen to god’s calling
Determine where you want to go with this calling, goal and journey
Building the Passion….
Passion is going to drive you to take the journey and help you practice the things in your statement of purpose. It’s important to take the time to explore the things and to them. Try them and try them again to affirm your goals, statement and solidify your passion.
Let’s setup a free 30 minute coaching call to get you on the right path. Email us at, slide into our DM’s on Instagram and Facebook @josemiguellongo
We have a coaching package for everyone’s needs! Be sure to visit the website:
Don’t forget to join the Facebook Community for more content and great conversations:
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel
#passion #purpose #mindmap #mindmapping #lifedesign #discovery #explore #careerdesign #visual #career #life #lifecoach #careercoach #business #businesscoach #dream #design #create #believe #mindset #coach #future #success

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
EP 22: DESIGNING YOUR LIFE & CAREER: How To Mind Map The Life You Want & Deserve
Let's start by talking about what mind mapping is…
A mind map is a visual diagram that showcases organized thoughts and ideas that help you visualize what you need clarity in, create alignment in your life and provide a space to visualize outcomes and/or goals
How do you create a mind map for your life and career? WRITE THESE DOWN
Start Small! Identify three things that give you the most joy in your life, this could be a place, an experience. Think about how these things, actions or ideas energize you.
Then following the same process, If you could be anything in the world and there were 0 barriers (money, education, family, etc) what would you be or do? WRITE IT DOWN
Come to the other side of the page. Pick the place or experience that gives the most excitement and joy. Do the same for the career.
On the other side of your sheet of paper, in the middle of the page write a word affiliated to these two visions, like dream or life goals, future,etc.
Then circle the word. Draw a line from the word and write down one of the chosen life experiences, place or thing. Then do the same for the job or thing you want to be.
Continue to identify words and actions that come to mind from the two main visions of your life experience and the career you want.
You’ve now created your mind map and it's time to share it! Connect with a friend, mentor, spouse, significant others whomever you trust and feel will hold you accountable to starting to visualize these goals/dreams.
Take the time to reflect, focus and create well established goals for how you want to create this life. You may need to conduct informational interviewing/research to learn about the career and how to get there.
Have conversations with your loved ones about the life you want to live. Discuss how you can make changes to bring that vision to life and you can get their support.
Let’s setup a free 30 minute coaching call to get you on the right path. Email us at, slide into our DM’s on Instagram and Facebook @josemiguellongo
We have a coaching package for everyone’s needs! Be sure to visit the website:
Don’t forget to join the Facebook Community for more content and great conversations:
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel
#mindmap #mindmapping #lifedesign #careerdesign #visual #career #life #lifecoach #careercoach #business #businesscoach #dream #design #create #believe #mindset #coach #future #success

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
EP21: HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR BUSINESS USING A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT: Strategies to Overcome the Burnout While Being Efficient with Jacqueline Howard
Welcome Back! We are so glad you’re here!
In this episode I have a candid conversation with my good friend Jacqueline Howard about the value and strategies an Virtual Assistant (VA) can be to your business when you’re becoming overwhelmed and burnout.
The first strategy Jacqueline talks about is recognizing what are all the things you do in a day to day business. MAKE A LIST!
Spend time tracking your steps and action items that you do everyday. Write them down!
Pay attention to the list and know which are the items you can source out and let someone do for you and what are the ones that you must do in your business.
To make your burden lighter, work in your zone of genius!
Pay attention to what you are best at. What is that your business is doing and serving. Are you a presenter/speaker? Focus on doing that and let your VA do the rest.
How can you develop a relationship with a VA to know if they are going to be a good fit for you in all the things you’re willing to give up?
Identify small things that will not hurt your business and looking for ways that the work you share with can provide accountability
Give this person:
General/small tasks: social media, email list, procedures or outlines
Work with the person to have a discovery call and see if can be a match for that person
Looking for a VA Job? Seeking to Pivot Into Becoming a Virtual Assistant?
Most VA’s are a jack of all trades
Try to not pigeonhole yourself, but try all the things that will help you determine the area of focus for the VA role that you want to do. FIND WHAT YOU WANT TO FOCUS ON
Look at the industry that you like and love. What is that catches your eye and what you follow.
Get deep into the industry and where the businesses are that need something you can offer.
Places to Find VA Jobs
Social Media Manager FB Groups
Digital Nomad FB Group
Look at LinkedIn
While Homeschooling 4 children, living frugal and cutting out lattes, no eating out, no shopping and cutting coupons Jacqueline decided she needed to make money from home to begin thriving and make memories not just surviving.
She created a Virtual Assistant Business that allows her to help business owners, Lighten the stress, increase revenue and optimize their time.
She now connects business owners with high level assistants she trains and mentors.
Facebook Group: Optimize to Scale:
Instagram: @thejacquelinehoward
Podcast: Optimize to Scale:
Let’s setup a free 30 minute coaching call to get you on the right path. Email us at, slide into our DM’s on Instagram and Facebook @josemiguellongo
We have a coaching package for everyone’s needs! Be sure to visit the website:
Don’t forget to join the Facebook Community for more content and great conversations:
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel
#coach #lifecoach #businesscoach #careercoach #business #career #coaching #VirtualAssistant #VA #support #assistant #gethelpforyourbusiness #worksmarternotharder #outsource #strategize #optimize #success #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #engrepreneurlife

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
EP20: FAILURE + GROWTH = SUCCESS: Overcoming a Failure in Life and Business- Why You Should Never Quit
“Failure gets you closer to what you’re good at” -Louis CK
In today’s episode I am sharing with you my experience with failing at a lunch for a workshop and having NO ONE sign up!
FACING REALITY HEAD ON: Trying very hard, but without being scared
Now, I wasn’t devastated that no one purchased this workshop because I was realistic about the potential outcome based on the number of people listening and following all of my content.
I leaned in with courage instead of comfort and I did it because I felt like I needed to.
You need to know how many people are actively following you and engaging in your content.
You need to know how many superfans you have to be able to know what they need and create all the things they need and how you can serve them.
I have 35 superfans right now. They may not be ready to buy anything from me because they may not trust me yet. They may not need what I am selling but want to actively engage and listen to the podcast.
I am going to work hard to build an audience that will trust me and wants me to be their coach and teacher!
I recognized from this that I wasn't ready not just because I didn't have the audience, but I wasn't ready when it comes to all of the building blocks of business. Having all the engagement, followers, and listeners doesn't mean anything if the person who is there doesn't trust what you have to offer.
You have to have self-awareness and be able to give yourself permission to try things that may not work. It's the only way your going to grow. You have to give yourself the courage to do it scared and know that it might not work and not give up! NEVER GIVE UP!!
This is your time to build something amazing that only you can create, design, and share with the world. The world needs your special gift.
I know I am doing what I am meant to be doing with the podcast and the coaching business and I know that creating courses as a form of monetization is something I am going to make money on, be successful and it will happen when the timing is right.
I am going to give you all the free things! YES FREEBIES!
I am going to give freebies on coaching, resume tips, business building, LinkedIn and more! Be on the lookout!
I want you to trust me and know that I am here for you and I want to deliver you results and hold you accountable in achieving your goals so you can succeed in life.
Let’s setup a free 30 minute coaching call to get you on the right path. Email us at, slide into our DM’s on Instagram and Facebook @josemiguellongo
We have a coaching package for everyone’s needs! Be sure to visit the website:
If you like this episode please leave us a review. It would mean the world. Also let us know what else you want to learn or hear.
José Miguel
#growth #success #lessonsinlife #coach #lifecoach #businesscoach #careercoach #business #career #knowyouraudience #dontgiveup #coaching #entrepreneur #engrepreneurlife

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
EP 19: HOW TO QUIT YOUR DAY JOB & LAUNCH YOUR COACHING PRACTICE: Tips & Tricks to Take Your Career Shift to The Next Level with Krystal Hicks, JOBTALK, LLC.
In this episode my good friend Krystal Hicks shares her story of how she took the big step of leaving a full-time job to lead a more fulfilling life as a Career Strategist/Coach.
Let me start by saying that this career shift didn’t come from disliking her full-time. It was the complete opposite! Krystal loved her job. She took her experience and passion to the next level. In search for a more meaningful path that was self-operated, fueled with purpose and having the ability to do it her way she launched JOBTALK, LLC.
Now, don’t go running so fast to submit your resignation. It’s important that as you think about starting this new journey and writing this chapter you take the time plan, save, and hold yourself accountable.
You Need To Map a Plan
Understand your values
Understand what your values mean to you
Find what full-fills you
What are you passionate about?
What do you feel is your purpose?
How will you make money
These are just some of the questions and thoughts you should be considering as you start to embark in the process of becoming self-employed.
The most important questions you should ask yourself is how will you serve and who will you serve?
Answering these questions will help you gain clarity on who your avatar is and identify their pain point.
Listen to Krystal’s story and journey that is so relatable and realistic to how anyone who has the dream to have their own business can have their own business. But you have to take risks, lean in with courage, learn what you’re worth and create the opportunity for yourself.
We talk about money, expenses, start-up costs, and more.
About Krystal & How to Connect
Originally from Dover, NH, Krystal graduated from UNH in 2007 with a BA in Journalism. As a born-and-raised Seacoaster, she stayed in the area and accidentally began her career in the employment sector when she fell backwards into an administrative role at a staffing firm in Portsmouth. She fell in love with the industry and soon moved into a Staffing Manager role, before transitioning into higher education career services. She obtained her Masters in Higher Education Leadership and returned to UNH, eventually becoming their Director of Career Services. In 2016, Krystal was recruited by Lindt Chocolate USA and became their U.S. Recruitment Manager where she hired more than 220 people in 3+ years across all corporate functions of their U.S Headquarters. Missing her career counseling roots, Krystal departed Lindt in April 2019 to launch JOBTALK, a career counseling practice that provides one-on-one job hunting support to individuals in transition, as well as employer branding consulting to companies.
Krystal also spent three years facilitating a pre-release employment program for inmates at the Strafford County Department of Corrections in Dover, and in 2017, was recognized as one of the Seacoast’s “10 to Watch" winners; a NH-based contest that recognizes young professionals who are active in the community and working towards economic development in the Seacoast. She currently resides in Portsmouth, NH, and continues to teach her course, “College to Career: How to stand out in today’s job market” to undergraduate business students at UNH.
#careercoach #coaching #business #selfemployed #support #servingothers #jobsearch #accessible #affordable #inclusive #career #levelup #success #careerstrategist
THIS IS FOR YOU!!! For the ridiculously low ONE TIME ONLY Price of $47.00 you can learn all the things that will get you seen, get you recruited, and get you hired!
To jump on this sick price of $47.00 for 1 hour of resume building and learn how to transform and change your job search take advantage of this workshop. Seating is limited and registration closes in less than a week. To register go to:
I am hosting this workshop on August 25 at 7:00 pm. I will not be hosting it again for the rest of the year and the price will go up! This is a $197 Value!!
If you feel that you want to dig deeper into you Job Search and need assistance in tailoring the resume, building the cover letter, and practicing your interview techniques you can book the Career Tool Kit Package which includes 3-30 minute sessions for $197. If you purchase the LIVE Resume Building Workshop you will save $50.00 and pay only $147 for the 90 minute Career Tool Kit. This is a $250.00 value. I’ve discounted both of these for COVID and the $147 is for those who register for the workshop ONLY. If you have questions email me at
I can’t wait to see you in the workshop, read your thoughts about this episode and see you in social media.
Sending you all my love!
If you want to book a Coaching Session NOW head on over to TODAY!

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
EP18: EMBRACING THE JOURNEY OF GROWTH THROUGH MINDSET & CLARITY: Listening to Your Calling, Using Your God Given Talents, Taking Action & Celebrating The Little Wins Along The Way
Proverbs- 16:9
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the lord establishes their steps.”
In this episode I go deep into all the things I am experiencing in my life. The podcast, the coaching business, the courses and workshops, the whole journey.
I take a deep dive in reflecting on the last 6 months of growth, accepting the plan that god is showing me and learning that you have to give yourself permission to celebrate the wins.
Life & Business Coaching for Millennials: Chit Chat with José Miguel The Podcast and Life Coaching with José Miguel are my world right now. I am living my best life helping people,serving people and sharing amazing stories. The reward for me is seeing and hearing the success of my clients and the people that I am helping.
Everyday I am experiencing small wins and growth. My mindset is transforming, I am gaining more clarity in how to serve and deliver the things people need. I have a broad audience, a deep niche and services that are affordable to all.
I am telling everyone out there who is a place where they feel utterly depressed about their life, job, future and just stuck thinking that they’ve given it there all. Wake Up! You have so much more to live for, life is too short! Let’s give you the clarity you need to envision what you’re meant to do. Let’s help you start living your life with more purpose and into. Let’s get you to living a life fueled with happiness and success.
Now, I know that the world of work is in shambles right now. I am using my expertise of years of career development and career coaching and my experience of HR and recruitment to bring you a LIVE Resume Building Workshop! This workshop is for mid-career to late-career individuals who are looking to transition from one industry or job to another. This for the person who is unemployed and seeking to be seen.
If you’re tired of applying to job, after job, after job, after job with NO Results, it’s time to check on your resume and take a deep dive in transforming it into a resume that is tailored to the job.
If you’re receiving email after email with the message saying thank you but we’ve hired another candidate…
THIS IS FOR YOU!!! For the ridiculously low ONE TIME ONLY Price of $47.00 you can learn all the things that will get you seen, get you recruited, and get you hired!
To jump on this sick price of $47.00 for 1 hour of resume building and learn how to transform and change your job search take advantage of this workshop. Seating is limited and registration closes in less than a week. To register go to:
I am hosting this workshop on August 25 at 7:00 pm. I will not be hosting it again for the rest of the year and the price will go up! This is a $197 Value!!
If you feel that you want to dig deeper into you Job Search and need assistance in tailoring the resume, building the cover letter, and practicing your interview techniques you can book the Career Tool Kit Package which includes 3-30 minute sessions for $197. If you purchase the LIVE Resume Building Workshop you will save $50.00 and pay only $147 for the 90 minute Career Tool Kit. This is a $250.00 value. I’ve discounted both of these for COVID and the $147 is for those who register for the workshop ONLY. If you have questions email me at
I can’t wait to see you in the workshop, read your thoughts about this episode and see you in social media.
Sending you all my love!
If you want to book a Coaching Session NOW head on over to TODAY!

Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
EP 17. 3 TOOLS TO HELP YOU DIG DEEPER IN DISCOVERING YOUR PATH: The Tools of Personality, Career, and Strengths Assessment To Help You Gain Clarity in Life, Career and Business with Jacqueline Wallace
In this episode my good friend Jackie and I take a deep dive on the top 3 tools to help you dig deeper in discovering your path and passion. These are all the things that influence your values, interests, skills and passion.
MBTI Myers Briggs
Strong Interest Inventory
When it comes to all of these assessments, the most important and influential piece after taking them is to connect in having a meaningful conversation.
These tools are intended to help an individual gain clarity and influence making informed decisions on their career, life, and goals.
Carl Jung: “We can learn a lot about ourselves by what annoys us about others!
The language is based on themes of talent to align knowledge of skills to apply to life, working everyday with people and getting lost in what you're doing.
Having unique conversations leads us to appreciate and acknowledge people’s strengths and helps people process and learn how to own their unique talents and themes.
Lots of data involved in Myers Briggs that can help individuals work better in a team. Being able to get a better understanding from the different dichotomies with the 16 different possibilities and the 4 different attributes. Learning about people and their traits will help you find ways to work with others who have different types.
Strong Interest Inventory
Focused on John Holland’s theory of Career Development. His theory was based on themes of Realistic, Investigative,Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional (RIASEC). The report for this assessment allows you to explore a variety of different areas such as someone's hobbies and interests. It’s important to look at the combination of the 2 themes and being able to see how they work with each other.
Words of Wisdom from Jackie: Taking any of these assessments will help you learn the steps you can take next. She advises individuals who take the assessment to have a conversation with someone that can help you process what the results mean. Help you move along in gaining clarity and making decisions about life and career. These tools offer you the opportunity to engage in the meaningful conversations that will help you connect with the different values, the language and themes.
Jackie has worked at SUNY Oswego since 2002, several of those years in Residence Life & Housing and first year programming before transitioning to first year advisement in 2008 and career services in 2010. She is a proud alumna of SUNY Oswego the Career Coach for the "Education, Public & Human Services" Industry in Career Services. Outside of this role, she is the President of the Leighton Home & School Association and active in the local school district. She is also engaged in the Oswego community through Leadership Oswego County Advisory Board and the Zonta Club of Oswego. With a background in undeclared academic advisement and major exploration, she is formally certified in the Myers Briggs Type Inventory, Strong Interest Inventory and StrengthsQuest. When not working or volunteering, Jackie enjoys attending music concerts, reading, party planning, watching movies and going to the Drive-in with the family.
You can connect with Jackie on LinkedIn:
NEWS ALERT: Did you hear???
We’ve reached a milestone!!! 500 Downloads!!! EEK?!?! To celebrate this huge win, I am giving away a copy of my favorite journal Affirmation Hacks!
To win all you need to do is follow 3 steps! ***1 entry per day***
Download, Subscribe, Review and/or Comment on the Podcast
Screenshot your review
Head over to the Instagram Stories and share our review. Tag me @josemiguellongoWinners will be announced on August 19. 1 entry per day will be allowed.
Thank you for all the love and support!
BEFORE YOU GO>>>> If you want to book a Coaching Session NOW head on over to TODAY!

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
BONUS EPISODE 16: GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!! Riding Yourself of Fear, Self-Sabotage & Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever tried to do something but stopped yourself as you were doing it?
UGH!! You were so close! This me all the time!! Is this you?
In this BONUS episode I talk about my battle with getting out of my head and what tricks and tips I use to overcome fear, imposter syndrome and self sabotage.
I would encourage you to have friends, family, mentor or coach that can support you through these trick periods. Oftentimes you are your own worst enemy.
Give yourself a mindset pep talk! NOT TODAY SATAN! Kick that negative business to the curb!
I have an affirmation journal I use that always helps me and it is my daily journal, but also my best friend. (see more about the journal below)
Always lean with courage over comfort. These periods are about growth and learning. We are all human and fear is a natural instinct. Choosing courage will help you win every time!
Shift the mind and the garbage talk! Mindset is where it’s at. You have to try to succeed. Pretending you did is not enough!
ABOUT THE JOURNAL… Did you hear???
We’ve reached a milestone!!! 500 Downloads!!! EEK?!?! To celebrate this huge win, I am giving away a copy of my favorite journal Affirmation Hacks!
To win all you need to do is follow 4 steps! ***1 entry per day***
Download, Subscribe, Review and/or Comment on the Podcast
Screenshot your review
Head over to the Instagram Stories and share our review. Tag me @josemiguellongo
Winners will be announced on August 19. You can enter 1 time per day until August 19
Thank you for all the love and support!
José Miguel
BEFORE YOU GO>>> If you want to book a Coaching Session NOW head on over to TODAY!

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
In this episode I share with you 2 amazing offers that I have created.
LINKEDIN MASTER CLASS: Get Seen | Get Recruited | Get Hired
This is a LinkedIn course that I am creating for new LinkedIn users and Job Seekers. In This course I will showing you the following:
How to create an eye-catching profile
How to start to develop a network and connect with people on LinkedIn
Develop a community and following
How to join groups and how to stay visible
BONUS: I will be adding 2 additional BONUS modules:
Using LinkedIn as an Entrepreneur
Learn recruiter secrets on how to get hired on LinkedIn
This will be available very soon! Be sure to keep an eye out for more info.
THE JOB SEARCH PIVOT: This Program is a 3 Month Program that is guaranteed to get you hired in 3 months or less. If you’re not hired in 3 months, I will continue to work with you beyond the 3 months as your job/career coach to help you secure your dream job.
This program is ready for anyone who is interested in and who is potentially experiencing challenges in their job search and need assistance in creating a clear career path and job search strategy. It is also for the person who is not feeling fulfilled with their job and wants to truly find their purpose and the right career for themselves.
I am still running my FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session Contest!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
Take a screenshot of your review
Share your review on your instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM.
Please remember to like, review, and subscribe!
If you want to book a Coaching Session NOW head on over to TODAY!

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
EP 14. THE MILLENNIAL DEBT CRISIS & HOW IT IMPACTS YOU: Student Loans/Credit Card Debt, How to Gain Financial Freedom While Winning in Life with Gail Keyes Allen
This week’s episode is all about helping your mindset around money and having an honest conversation with yourself around student loan debt, credit card debt, loans all the things around DEBT & MONEY!!
If you listen in, you will hear us talk about how to build a relationship with money and what money really.
Ideas on how to budget yourself and create a plan that has solid solutions and goals to solve the barriers and the challenges you are experiencing with money.
Gail sees debt as being “neutral” and chooses to decide how to view the debt in a positive vs. negative way.
You need to look at the debt as opposed to ignoring it. Seek the help to learn how to come ups with a plan to resolve your debt and identify possible solutions to work with creditors on getting your debt paid.
Gail’s ideas around budgeting are surrounded by creating a budget that works around your life and your goals.
Pick 1 goal that you want to solve or obtain first.
Look at what you’re good at:Can you teach something?
Can you sell something?
Can you get a side gig or side hustle?
The idea is if you want something bad enough and this is part of your goal, you will discover a way to to really reduce the barriers to overcome the mindset to achieve the win!
Here are some barriers to overcome around money
You have to believe
You have to use your talents
You have to use your skills
You need to create something
Make it intentional!
Think of all the ways you can make money. Write them down. Use your imagination. Use the power of affirmation, journaling and prayer to find what you can do!
Ask For It! Believe In It! Do It!
People argue for limitation: You have to believe that it is possible. People will convince themselves of the idea of not being able to do things.
Start with new thoughts
Power of Affirmation
Believing in yourself
Face It First
Head on, put it on paper
When you say you’re broke, you’re say you’re broken
If you’re saying your going to do it, Manifest it!
Put things in your budget that you enjoy! Things that can help you in your journey
Have a Money Date
Develop a relationship with money
Stop pretending that it’s not there
Talk about it with people you can trust and who can help you make decisions that are part of your plan
4 Important Things to Get Started
1. Start your day and end your day with putting your thoughts and feelings on paper. Be sure to address the things that are bringing you down so you can start improving the relationship you have with yourself and with money
2. Start Believing in What You Want to Achieve
When you say it’s hard, you’re going to make it hard for yourself. Put out into the universe what you want to make happen to produce the positive energy that you want to get out of the universe for your life!
3. No Matter What it is YOU Need to Show Up For YOU
Get yourself Unstuck to get yourself out of the way to shift and change the mindset
4. Use Your Skills & Talents To Go in The Right Direction
Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what your skills are?
What are your talents? What do you have to give to the world that can help you make money?
ASK FOR HELP! It’s important to be able to get out of your own way to get the help you need to be able to achieve your money goals.
I am still running my FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session Contest!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
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Share your review on your instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM.
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If you want to book a Coaching Session NOW head on over to TODAY!
All my love!
José Miguel
Gail Keyes-Allen is the Midlife Moneymaker she's a Money & Life Coach who helps her clients Master their Mindset of Wealth by seeing their money blocks, beliefs and behaviors then transform them." She's also the host of the Midlife Moneymaker Podcast.
Gail is also preparing to launch a Money Boss Boot Camp on 8/17.
Here's the link to the landing page:

This is the description area. You can write an introduction or add anything you want to tell your audience. This can help listeners better understand your podcast.