Coaching for Millennials: A How to Guide for All Things Life & Career | Helping People Design their Career & Life Roadmap By Uncovering their Strengths, Passion & Purpose
Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Do you feel like something is missing and you need some guidance? Do you often feel unfulfilled with what you’re doing on a day to day basis? Well, I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to feel that way anymore. I’m here to help you through your journey in life. To gain clarity, find purpose and passion. My name is Jose Miguel Longo. I’m a gay Hispanic, a husband, dog Daddy, an advocate for social justice, DEI, an ally for all LGBTQ+, a career and life coach and millennial born in 1983. I have spent my time since the age of 14, working my way around the world of work. I know my God given talents are to help those around me to gain clarity in their lives while finding their passion and purpose. For the last decade, I’ve spent my time coaching college students and alums from all three generations X, Y and Z and designing their career stories and mapping what they’re wanting to do in their lives. The podcast Coaching For Millennials is a how-to-guide for all things career life and a sprinkle of everything in between is an all-inclusive space for meaningful conversations on topics happening in our world right now. It is a space for people to go on a holistic journey and uncover their passion and purpose. I’m here for all generations, no matter what you identify as if you’re seeking to transition from a career industry or job to another or ready to transform your life completely. I got you boo. Whatever the fantasy you’re trying to create. Let me make it happen. If you’re ready to start the journey to explore your passion and purpose, get focused on gaining clarity to transform you to a place that will fuel you and inspire you and sprinkle some joy and laughter in between. It’s time to dive into Coaching For Millennials! Visit our website:

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
EP 13: FROM SIDE GIG TO SIDE HUSTLE: How Building Your Own Business From The Ground Up Can Give You Life. Lesson from a Millennial Workaholic
In today’s episode, I am sharing with you my experiences of having many side gigs to launch my side hustle which is now Coaching with Jose Miguel. I’ve always wanted to have my own business, be my own boss! However, I had to go through a journey of personal growth, develop confidence and make lots and lots of mistakes to discover my true purpose in creating the side hustle.
This episode goes deep into what I’ve learned so far in launching my coaching business, creating the podcast, building my website and the meat and potatoes in between.
I share how I created my avatar to figuring out my niche. Both are essential in the first stages of launching a business.
I also discuss the value in understanding what you're selling and how and who you’re serving it to. Someone once told me that a confused buyer doesn’t buy. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way. Guess what I am still learning and growing.
There is no right or wrong way to grow and launch your business. Yes there are all types of best practices out there that people will sell you to make a buck, but ultimately you need to use your talents, skills and values to dig deep and find what your business aka side hustle should be.
One of the pieces I forgot to mention in the episode is I highly recommend finding a coach or a mentor who can support you, guide you and hold you accountable in achieving goals for your business along the way. Setting up goals is a fundamental function to lead your business to succeed.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to launch your business or are looking for a coach to mentor you, guide you and hold you accountable I am here to help! Be sure to reach out to book a consultation.
I am still running my FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session Contest!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
Take a screenshot of your review
Share your review on your instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM.
Please remember to like, review, and subscribe!
If you want to book a Coaching Session NOW head on over to TODAY!
All my love!
José Miguel

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
EP 12: NOT MAKING YOUR DREAMS A REALITY? 4 Steps to Discovering Your Passion & Making Your Dreams a Reality
In this episode I share with you 4 simple ways to make your dreams a reality while discovering your passion, fueling your strengths and igniting your motivation to making your dreams come true!
Be sure to grab your favorite beverage and notebook and pen. This one is going to be good!
Identify what excites and energizes you!Grab a notebook and pen and start to write down the activities that you enjoy the most and how you feel when you do them.
Assessments are an option as opposed to digging deep into your inner child, but this type of activity will help you get clearer about your inner child and the things you were passionate about when you were a kid that you then become distracted by as you get older. I love assessment tools and think that they are a great value. If you’re interested in taking a personality assessment please contact me so I can connect you to the best one.
STEP 2: Invest in Your Strengths
Take an honest inventory of what you do best.
Think of a time when you were at your best.
Ask your friends and family what they think you do well.
Write these things down and start to organize them by categories or themes
Spending time assessing your talents is critical to helping you work towards your passion and make sure that your skills and talents are aligned.
STEP 3: Tap Into Your Motivation
Think about what you need to stay motivated and what motivates you!
Set meaningful and realistic goals.
Find what's gonna drive you to succeed and achieve your goals and success
Find someone who is going to hold you accountable and motivate you to achieve your goals.
Be sure to start thinking about the future as you start to achieve the goals you’ve set so you can be strategic in each step.
STEP 4: Stay on Course
Make sure you’re using your passion to fuel your strengths that you continue to ignite your plans and goals.
Thank you so much for all of your love and support in this podcast. I appreciate every single one of you that tune in every week and I am thankful for all of the reviews and comments!
For the month of July ONLY I am offering 30 Minute Coaching Sessions!!!!
You can book your 30 minute coaching session for just $79.00!!! To book a session email us at
I am still running my FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session Contest!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
Take a screenshot of your review
Share your review on your instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM.
Please remember to like, review, and subscribe!
All my love!
José Miguel

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
EPISODE 11: HOW TO BREAK DOWN MIND BLOCKS & GAIN CLARITY TO LAUNCH YOUR BUSINESS: Coaching Session with Kellie Ancheta, the journey of pushing through your comfort zone to get clear and actionable in your business
Are you ready to break down MIND BLOCKS? Do you feel like you have IMPOSTER SYNDROME?
Inside this podcast mindset coaching session with Kellie Ancheta, we dive into deep rooted family issues that create mind blocks from leaning to courage to start a business. In this session we create a full proof plan to transition into a growth mindset, giving ourselves permission to dig deep into what we want to accomplish and understand how to get clearer in who we are meant to serve.
If you want to gain clarity in your life, business and everyday challenges this coaching session is for YOU! Here are some of the details that you will hear:
Having a better understanding of your business and life goals
Who you want to serve and
How to define your avatar
Who is your client
How to get started
Get your iced coffee, grab your notebook and pen and let’s dive in!
I’m a 29 year old mom of 3. After having my two youngest just 14 months apart, I suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety. Because of this I am a big advocate for self care for moms. My goal is to create a safe community where millennial moms can come together for support and to learn how to take care of themselves throughout the journey of motherhood.
You can find Kellie on Facebook @kellieAncheta
I am still running my FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session Contest!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
Take a screenshot of your review
Share your review on your Instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM. If you have a question or would like to book a coaching session, email at
Please remember to like, review, and subscribe!
All my love!
Jose Miguel

Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Secrets to Love, Life, Business & Success with Tanner Efinger
In this episode you will hear Tanner’s story of how he moved around the country and the world to build his career and found love along the way. He spent time exploring different forms of theater, acting and arts to follow his passion of theater and acting. Along the way he discovered his voice as an activist in the LGBTQI+ community and representing the community to be a voice and support.
He experienced a shift in his life where he recognized that his identity was at the core of the work he was meant to do. Being an activist was his calling and his mission has be been wholeheartedly called to support Queer people and the Arts while supporting a community that he identifies with and applying his passion in all of the areas.
HOW IT COMES TOGETHER: Secrets to His Passion
Accepting all of the cheesy elements that we see in our journey, passion and to then start living through the purpose our lives are intended to serve.
Tanner realized his leadership and advocacy for being an activist led to his entrepreneurial life in creating opportunity for local theater and arts.
Opportunity can be presented in the form of a community to define your career in anything and in your future for your own success.
“You can create the career you want, but need a community around doing the same thing”. -Tanner Efinger
Using the culture that is existing in our community to continue to grow the economy while continuing to grow it with collaborations, events, and partnerships. Tanner’s investment into establishing a business that is for the Queer community has expanded jobs, culture, connections and networks for not just the Queer community but also educating those around us.
Creating a community that is YES AND…
"Everyone's path is unique and free advice is what you paid for it!"
After graduating from Phillips Academy Andover, Tanner moved to New York City and received BFA theatre performance training at Marymount Manhattan College. He performed in NYC and LA for 10 years (see Performance CV) and in 2008 Tanner became active in community and national organizing. In 2011, Tanner moved to Oxford, UK where he managed several restaurant and art venues, before developing a career as a freelance theatre artist and creative consultant, promoting and encouraging artistic endeavors on a community scale. In 2017, Tanner moved to Syracuse, New York and founded Breadcrumbs Productions, where he now works as Founding Artistic Director. In 2019, he and his husband Nick opened Wunderbar, a queer bar and theatre in the heart of downtown Syracuse.
Oxfordshire Theatre Makers (OTM) Podcast Link - for Apple and for Spotify.
Instagram & Facebook @wunderbarsyr
Instagram & Facebook @breadcrumbsproductions

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Let’s have a conversation about understanding what is happening in our country right now, what are all the terms people are seeing and hearing and how can our white brothers and sisters stand with us in the social justice movement, the new civil rights movement.
***Please excuse the audio as this is recorded conversation where I wanted to bring you the raw unedited audio that is truly authentic.***
I also want to make you aware that this is an educational conversation among my colleagues and myself. We are feeling the pain that is happening in the world in the social justice movement, #BlackLivesMatter and we wanted to share with listeners how they can engage in a conversation.
If there is anything you take away from this episode is to engage in conversation with your black friends and family. LISTEN!!! Listen to what is happening and people’s experiences. We all need to learn and we all need to be part of the conversation to help make the change.
Let’s Dive In!
What is EOP?
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) has been around for over 50 years. Initially started in New York state. It’s a state funded program that designs to increase education for historically disadvantaged, under-represented populations. Specifically for students who are able to succeed in college, but due to certain circumstances wouldn’t normally be admitted into college. The program is designed to help students achieve academic success while having a positive college experience and helping them succeed in their life after college.
For more information on the EOP Program in New York go here:
How has the situation impacted you as an educator and what do you say to someone who doesn’t understand?
Melissa shares that she grew up multiculturally and she believes it important to use life experiences and how your views are shaped to better understand what we are living with.
Doneilous shared that it is important to educate ourselves as much as our students/young people. It’s important to keep them safe, but also help them understand the importance and values of voting, civic engagement, politics, history, and lead them into a positive place in society. More importantly loving who you are and where you come from. Accept those parts of you and love yourself!
How is today’s movement different from the one we have seen in recent years and the civil rights movement?
More people who would oftentimes not find themselves affected by what is happening are getting involved and are recognizing that it is going to take everybody to make it better.
At the root of it, Black People have been historically seeking Human Rights and Equal Right which is a basic fundamental value and right that white people have always had, but black people have had to fight for.
The difference between today and the past is that social media plays a pivotal role in how it is seen and how it is being circulated. Harnessing the power of social media to not just share it but use it as the tool for the voice. The response of the people and their reaction to get involved has ignited people to go out and support the change that is not just social but a fight for equality in the treatment of black.
How can you educate someone who is white and is trying to educate themselves on what they are seeing and hearing?
Supporters or white allies, be humble and become a listener. Watch movies and documentaries that can help you understand the historical context and educate yourself a little to see the history of how this has been building. It will help understand how black people have suffered for hundreds of years for what has been done to them. From slavery to Jim Crow Laws, to Civil Right Movement in the 1960’s.
People can also understand what white privilege is. It’s been a super power in america that has built an advantage or a generational pass through. To be white in america is to never have to know the black experience.
What can white people do?
They need to put black people at the table and not let them be part of the menu.
White people are not qualified to decide what issue is race related. For example, if you want to learn about domestic violence, you talk to the victim not the perpetrator. White privilege prohibits people from seeing racism and microaggressions.
White people need to understand the agents of the overarching problem which is white supremacy. You don’t have to be racist but you’re perpetuating the values of racism.
You have to go back to where racism comes from. Racism is learned behavior and it starts in the home. A young child doesn’t know what racism is, their values and sometimes it’s faith driven. Understanding where someone’s racism is stemmed from and how it is embedded into someone’s views and beliefs. People have to experience it to understand it.
Recognizing the built in racism and hate that religion to have the conversation of where it stemmed from. Understanding and knowing the history is important to be able to move forward to create the change that is needed for today and the future.
What is the takeaway from this movement and what would you as a black person want people to know and be aware of?
Share in someone’s pain. Learn, listen and share in the experiences of being able to validate someone’s experiences.
It’s important to hold people accountable. People of color are always fixing their problem in society. It’s important to hold people accountable for their actions in the situation we are living in right now, this is a problem for everyone, but caused by white people and white people need to fix it even though it is perceived as it is only impacting black people.
Guest Bio & Info
Thanks again to both of my guests, Donelious and Melissa in having this conversation with me. It is not only important for people to start having more conversations such as this one, but to be forgiving of people who are unaware of the terms and the language that is being used. As we mentioned earlier in the episode some white people aren’t aware of what white privilege means. This is key to help others learn but also allow them to be part of the conversation to create awareness, support, and create a social impact.
Melissa Prest
Melissa is the Director of EOP & Multicultural Affairs at SUNY Polytechnic Institute. Born in Utica, NY. Melissa had the distinct opportunity to live across the country as the child of a military family. Her upbring, values, and views were shaped by the many places she lived. She has an affinity for social justices issues and is a lifelong learner. Melissa identifies as someone who is multicultural based on her upbringing and values.
You can connect with Melissa on Facebook:
Doneilous King
Doneilous was born and raised in Utica, NY. He plays an active role in the community working with youth and is an active leader.. He currently holds the role of EOP Senior Counselor, SUNY Polytechnic Institute. He is also an Adjunct Professor, Mohawk Valley Community College
You can connect with him via:
IG, FB @ Doneilous King
I am still running my FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session Contest!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
Take a screenshot of your review
Share your review on your instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM. If you have a question or would like to book a coaching session, email at
Please remember to like, review, and subscribe!
All my love!
Jose Miguel

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Please note this episode has no editing. I felt I like I need to connect with all of you and basically jumped on the laptop, put on the headphone and clicked record. I hope you don't mind. :)
Hello Chit Chatters!
Life is all about living, learning and growing. I have been doing a lot of growing and learning, but also self-reflecting. I learned recently that a part of me is more vulnerable than I thought it was. Like many others out there, I have been struggling with the death of George Floyd and seeking how to support my brothers and sisters of color. I’ve been struggling with how I can speak what I am feeling and how to be mindful and empathetic to black people.
I shared perhaps one of my most vulnerable posts on Instagram recently that was really eye opening. I am a Hispanic 36 year old gay millennial. I am a husband, father, son, brother, uncle, and friend. I identify as a person of color.
Those words made me cry when I wrote them. I cried a little even writing them again. Yes my skin color is lighter than my brothers and sisters of color. How can I help in the movement of #BlackLivesMatter? How can I stand with my brothers and sisters? I USED MY VOICE!
I spoke up on a few occasions over the past few days and shared how white supremacy and white privilege can’t continue. How we need to have conversations that are hard and definitely powerful but we need to discuss the implicit bias, we need to talk about the microaggressions and the systemic-racism. These conversations are learning opportunities for all.
I am no expert and don’t pretend to me. But I am sure passionate about social issues, creating change for diversity, equity and inclusion. I have fought for this since I was 11 years old!
Now this episode is 20 minutes long and I don’t go too deep into everything regarding the #BlackLivesMatter, but I share a few thoughts on how I have been feeling. I can tell you I am in pain and deeply saddened. At the same time I am hopeful for the change that we are creating in our world right now!
I also talked about what to expect with the show in the upcoming weeks. I have an episode coming up on Monday with two of my colleagues where we dive in on how white people can help in the #BlackLivesMatter movement and they speak to their experiences as African Americans in their community.
We will also be having some live coaching sessions! I am excited to bring you these 3 amazing coaching sessions with some gals that I met in my Facebook Community.
This episode goes into detail on how I can help you discover your purpose in life and your career. Are you currently jobless, unemployed or seeking and stuck! I CAN HELP! Let’s set up a coaching session and get you employed, fulfilled and unstuck!
I talk about creating the perfect resume for your dream job, SEO and ATS. I am an expert at resume and cover letter writing and my strategies are proven to get you the interview!!
This episode is filled with emotion, energy and passion from beginning to end.
I am still running my FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session Contest!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
Take a screenshot of your review
Share your review on your instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM. If you have a question or would like to book a coaching session, email at
Please remember to like, review, and subscribe!
All my love!

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Podcast Episodes 7: STRUGGLING TO FIND CLARITY? Beat the Head VS. The Heart Battle with Stefanie Gass
Podcast Episodes 7: STRUGGLING TO FIND CLARITY? Beat the Head VS. The Heart Battle with Stefanie Gass
In this episode I am talking with my BFF and Coach Stefanie Gass! I have been waiting weeks to publish this episode and it’s finally free for the world to listen! There are so many golden nuggets for everyone out there! I am so excited for you to check this one out!
Please remember to like, review, and subscribe! Remember that Life & Business Coaching for Millennials is running a monthly contest for people to win a FREE 30 minute coaching call with yours truly!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
Take a screenshot of your review
Share your review on your instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM. If you have a question or would like to book a coaching session, email at
Let’s dive into the show!
Struggling to Find Clarity? Beat the Head VS. The Heart Battle
Stef and worked on this title together and a lot of the notes in this episode are inspired by the conversation and what she said.
How do you get clarity and what does that mean? Below are some examples of what to do to start getting clarity
Who is the person that GOD is calling you to be?
Start with 1 thing a day
Turn off work on Fridays
Alignment with clarity and your call is fueled by you listening to your inner voice. Oftentimes this requires sitting in silence.
Get a journal and start writing!
What is Clarity Coaching?
Clarity is everything!! All of us are born with a spiritual God given gift. It’s up to you to uncover it and let it shine. Often it's a call to serve people or make things or create things. Everyone has a gift to share with the world that is special in its own way.
What is the gift and when does it come to us? How do we find it?
Who you’re at 10 is the same person you are today, but you got distracted by the world (ie: parents told you who you are, your teachers told you who you are, money, career, success, social media, etc.)
As a 10 year old the dream was in your heart. You have to come back to that.
So you ask yourself! What was I created to do here?
Identify your clarity roadblocks
Sit with yourself and yourself only, if you’re spiritual GOD too, with a sheet of paper:
What is keeping you from clarity
Shiny objects
Opinions of others
Multipassionate, I can’t pick one thing
Someone already does that
These are limiting beliefs because you are scared!! They are lives you keep telling yourself!
Get ready for the breakthrough of doing the discovery! SAY THE WORDS: I am ready for my clarity breakthrough!
You need to get rid of the noise, get quiet: What is that for you? Meditation, prayer, journaling?
Who are you at your core?
What are you great at?
Journey is uncovered as you do your best work where you are!
Those I serve best are?
Start with the visuals, who do you serve? Who is it that you can serve best? What does it look like?
Now, how can I serve you? This is the how to..
A business roadmap? Career & Personality Assessment? Job Searching? Clarity Discovery
What lights you up and what fires you up?
Where is the energy leading you?
Where are you aligned and where are you not aligned?
Leadership, public speaking, events, personal development
Following the rules, selling one thing, listening to someone else, not being my own boss
Is what I am doing right now right??
GOLDEN NUGGET ALERT: Give yourself the permission to do something new, let go of the fear and the limiting beliefs that are all lies!
6.How can you just make time to start doing the thing that lights you up even thirty minutes a week? How can you just start? Even if you don’t know how to monetize it, just start?
Raise your hand to allow all the answers flow through!
There is no end to clarity! It grows as you grow and it is constantly flowing, as you evolve in your journey your clarity will continue to come through.
Doing your thing doesn’t always have a title, just start some place and the evolutions to allow it grow with you. Listen to how you’re helping others.
Clarity comes first to understand the path you want to go in. Stef specialize in Mom’s who are or want to be entrepreneurs. She guides them through her 3 their system which is proven to help you succeed:
Clarity: private coaching to find what your gift is
Create Trust In Your Audience: Create a Podcast to serve for free and see results and find solutions. I doesn’t have to be just a podcast it could be a blog or youtube channel
Coaching & Course: Solving people’s problems through implementation (1 on 1) or a course for structure.
How to bring your gifts to life during this difficult and challenging time we’re living in?
Spend this time building something that is your passion.
Are you looking for new ways to serve people? It doesn’t matter the scale it matters the impact
You then need to get clearer on how you can continue to serve people and get them to trust you. You do this through your podcast. Stef calls this Trust Tier 1.
How too can you serve more deeply. It doesn’t matter how it’s the impact. The more you can give away for free, the more it will come back to you 3x more.
You have to start somewhere to have service. Service over sales, never leave people without implementation. Offer what you do.
Out of 96.. 60 people took the implementation piece and took the offering because she showed up and shared her trust tiers. She knew what she needed to serve and it was received!
It’s not about marketing or sales, it’s about going deeper and serving while then showing the implementation level after you serve. It’s going to be different for each person and the audience.
When you serve for free you will see the impact and then see the change in the bank account!
About Stefanie Gass
Stefanie Gass is a Jesus lover, wife, and mom of two boys from Tijeras, NM. She is the host of the top-ranked podcast The Mompreneur Mastermind Show, and her mission is helping, empowering, and transforming Christian Mompreneurs.
Stef specializes in helping these incredible women uncover and tap into their God-led callings, launch podcasts, & monetize using courses and coaching.
Stef wants women to create true change for themselves and for Jesus by utilizing their gifts and serving the world with a business that lights them up!
Stef believes that when we let God's miracles light our path, we will profit from our passions, live proactively, & design a life that fuels our soul.
She believes we actually can have it all.
IG: @stefaniegass
Podcast Launch Checklist:
30 Ways to Grow Your Following:
Success with Stefanie Insider: https://swsinsider.gr8.comthis episode and it’s finally free for the world to listen! There are so many golden nuggets for everyone out there! I am so excited for you to check this one out!
Please remember to like, review, and subscribe! Remember that Life & Business Coaching for Millennials is running a monthly contest for people to win a FREE 30 minute coaching call with yours truly!
There are 3 things you need to do to enter and win!
Listen to the episode, like, subscribe and leave a review
Take a screenshot of your review
Share your review on your instagram stories, tag me in it @josemiguellongo and share with the world!
Winners are announced at the end of the month and will be contacted via DM. If you have a question or would like to book a coaching session, email at
**Let’s dive into the show!**
Struggling to Find Clarity? Beat the Head VS. The Heart Battle
Stef and worked on this title together and a lot of the notes in this episode are inspired by the conversation and what she said.
How do you get clarity and what does that mean? Below are some examples of what to do to start getting clarity
Who is the person that GOD is calling you to be?
Start with 1 thing a day
Turn off work on Fridays
Alignment with clarity and your call is fueled by you listening to your inner voice. Oftentimes this requires sitting in silence.
Get a journal and start writing!
What is Clarity Coaching?
Clarity is everything!! All of us are born with a spiritual God given gift. It’s up to you to uncover it and let it shine. Often it's a call to serve people or make things or create things. Everyone has a gift to share with the world that is special in its own way.
What is the gift and when does it come to us? How do we find it?
Who you’re at 10 is the same person you are today, but you got distracted by the world (ie: parents told you who you are, your teachers told you who you are, money, career, success, social media, etc.)
As a 10 year old the dream was in your heart. You have to come back to that.
So you ask yourself! What was I created to do here?
Identify your clarity roadblocks
Sit with yourself and yourself only, if you’re spiritual GOD too, with a sheet of paper:
What is keeping you from clarity
Shiny objects
Opinions of others
Multipassionate, I can’t pick one thing
Someone already does that
These are limiting beliefs because you are scared!! They are lives you keep telling yourself!
Get ready for the breakthrough of doing the discovery! SAY THE WORDS: I am ready for my clarity breakthrough!
You need to get rid of the noise, get quiet: What is that for you? Meditation, prayer, journaling?
Who are you at your core?
1. What are you great at?
Journey is uncovered as you do your best work where you are!
2. Those I serve best are?
Start with the visuals, who do you serve? Who is it that you can serve best? What does it look like?
3. Now, how can I serve you? This is the how to..
A business roadmap? Career & Personality Assessment? Job Searching? Clarity Discovery
4. What lights you up and what fires you up?
Where is the energy leading you?
5. Where are you aligned and where are you not aligned?
Leadership, public speaking, events, personal development
Following the rules, selling one thing, listening to someone else, not being my own boss
Is what I am doing right now right??
GOLDEN NUGGET ALERT: Give yourself the permission to do something new, let go of the fear and the limiting beliefs that are all lies!
6. How can you just make time to start doing the thing that lights you up even thirty minutes a week? How can you just start? Even if you don’t know how to monetize it, just start?
Raise your hand to allow all the answers flow through!
There is no end to clarity! It grows as you grow and it is constantly flowing, as you evolve in your journey your clarity will continue to come through.
Doing your thing doesn’t always have a title, just start some place and the evolutions to allow it grow with you. Listen to how you’re helping others.
Clarity comes first to understand the path you want to go in. Stef specialize in Mom’s who are or want to be entrepreneurs. She guides them through her 3 their system which is proven to help you succeed:
Clarity: private coaching to find what your gift is
Create Trust In Your Audience: Create a Podcast to serve for free and see results and find solutions. I doesn’t have to be just a podcast it could be a blog or youtube channel
Coaching & Course: Solving people’s problems through implementation (1 on 1) or a course for structure.
How to bring your gifts to life during this difficult and challenging time we’re living in?
Spend this time building something that is your passion.
Are you looking for new ways to serve people? It doesn’t matter the scale it matters the impact
You then need to get clearer on how you can continue to serve people and get them to trust you. You do this through your podcast. Stef calls this Trust Tier 1.
How too can you serve more deeply. It doesn’t matter how it’s the impact. The more you can give away for free, the more it will come back to you 3x more.
You have to start somewhere to have service. Service over sales, never leave people without implementation. Offer what you do.
Out of 96 people....60 people took the implementation piece and took the offering because she showed up and shared her trust tiers. She knew what she needed to serve and it was received!
It’s not about marketing or sales, it’s about going deeper and serving while then showing the implementation level after you serve. It’s going to be different for each person and the audience.
When you serve for free you will see the impact and then see the change in the bank account!
About Stefanie Gass
Stefanie Gass is a Jesus lover, wife, and mom of two boys from Tijeras, NM. She is the host of the top-ranked podcast The Mompreneur Mastermind Show, and her mission is helping, empowering, and transforming Christian Mompreneurs.
Stef specializes in helping these incredible women uncover and tap into their God-led callings, launch podcasts, & monetize using courses and coaching.
Stef wants women to create true change for themselves and for Jesus by utilizing their gifts and serving the world with a business that lights them up!
Stef believes that when we let God's miracles light our path, we will profit from our passions, live proactively, & design a life that fuels our soul.
She believes we actually can have it all.
IG: @stefaniegass
Podcast Launch Checklist:
30 Ways to Grow Your Following:
Success with Stefanie Insider:

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Show Notes: Episode 6: Getting to know You.. Well, Not You, ME!-Part II
Hello Chit Chatters!
I am excited to announce that the podcast has hit 100 downloads since launching in April!!
Thank you so much for listening and for joining this community. I grateful to be able to share my stories, the stories of others, and help people in their journey of find their purpose and in life!
Having said that, I have been pivoting a lot the past few weeks and I have been working really closely with a friend of mine who will be on the show next week.. You will have listen in.
She has helped me gain perspective and clarity on how can better serve the audience that I am meant to serve but also who that audience is. I have realized over the course of my 11 years as a coach I have frequently worked consistently with a generation that time and time again speaks to me and I find a tremendous love for supporting and seeing flourish and that is millennials.
I use think that I needed to serve everyone in life and career coaching. To be honest I did and do. Although I am working towards building my own coaching business using the amazing platforms like a podcasts or course and social media, I have been a coach to students and alum of all age group demographic and have successfully helped people pivot from college to career as well as from a job to a meaningful career and even more important from a life filled with confusion and exhaustion to one filled with energy and purpose.
I am excited to be introducing the re-branding of my podcast, Life and Business Coaching for Millennials! This transition is part of being able to serve the audience that I most connect with and help them find the best version of themselves.
If you are a millennials you need to read below:
Are you a millennial who is struggling to find more purpose?
Do you feel confused when you think about what you're created to do here?
Do you waste time on job search engines searching for a 'better fit'?
Do you feel unfulfilled with what you're doing on a day to day basis?
You don't have to feel that way anymore. Welcome to Life & Business Coaching for Millennials, a safe space where people from all walks of life can come together to learn, grow, and transform!
A place where diversity is celebrated and encouraged. Where we can have open honest, real conversation about uncovering your purpose in business, feeling more joy in your life, and ultimately finding more happiness and success.
I look forward to having meaningful conversations and coaching sessions that will help you explore life and career options, be inspired, fueled, and filled with laughter.
It's time to Chit Chat with me, Jose Miguel...
There aren’t enough adjectives to describe how excited I am to bring you new episodes every week which will include a 50/50 split of coaching and interviews!
If you or someone you know needs coaching in their life, screen shot the episode or podcast artwork, be sure to comment and leave a review. Share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @josemiguellongo for your chance to win a FREE 30 minute session. I will be choosing 3 winners each month and potentially selecting those winners to be on the podcast!!
Let’s dive into the episode!!
So, I left off last time talking about being in my early 20. This episode is a bit all over the place, but there are important things to understand about my 20 that summarize somewhat who I am and how I became this person I am today. I don’t verbally say because I went on several rants, but you can hear it in the layers of my story.
I don’t believe this will the last version of Getting to Know Me, but I think this helps you understand why I created this podcast and why being a life and business coach is so important to me.
I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment and/or review. It would mean the world to me!
I look forward to having meaningful conversations where we can explore stories and ideas and create a space for people to connect and feel like they belong.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @josemiguellongo for more inspiration and motivational content. Find our Facebook Community at Coaching For Your Life.
Email us your questions at

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Show Notes: Episode 6: Getting to know You.. Well, Not You, ME!-Part II
Hello Chit Chatters!
I am excited to announce that the podcast has hit 100 downloads since launching in April!!
Thank you so much for listening and for joining this community. I grateful to be able to share my stories, the stories of others, and help people in their journey of find their purpose and in life!
Having said that, I have been pivoting a lot the past few weeks and I have been working really closely with a friend of mine who will be on the show next week.. You will have listen in.
She has helped me gain perspective and clarity on how can better serve the audience that I am meant to serve but also who that audience is. I have realized over the course of my 11 years as a coach I have frequently worked consistently with a generation that time and time again speaks to me and I find a tremendous love for supporting and seeing flourish and that is millennials.
I use think that I needed to serve everyone in life and career coaching. To be honest I did and do. Although I am working towards building my own coaching business using the amazing platforms like a podcasts or course and social media, I have been a coach to students and alum of all age group demographic and have successfully helped people pivot from college to career as well as from a job to a meaningful career and even more important from a life filled with confusion and exhaustion to one filled with energy and purpose.
I am excited to be introducing the re-branding of my podcast, Life and Business Coaching for Millennials! This transition is part of being able to serve the audience that I most connect with and help them find the best version of themselves.
If you are a millennials you need to read below:
Are you a millennial who is struggling to find more purpose?
Do you feel confused when you think about what you're created to do here?
Do you waste time on job search engines searching for a 'better fit'?
Do you feel unfulfilled with what you're doing on a day to day basis?
You don't have to feel that way anymore. Welcome to Life & Business Coaching for Millennials, a safe space where people from all walks of life can come together to learn, grow, and transform!
A place where diversity is celebrated and encouraged. Where we can have open honest, real conversation about uncovering your purpose in business, feeling more joy in your life, and ultimately finding more happiness and success.
I look forward to having meaningful conversations and coaching sessions that will help you explore life and career options, be inspired, fueled, and filled with laughter.
It's time to Chit Chat with me, Jose Miguel...
There aren’t enough adjectives to describe how excited I am to bring you new episodes every week which will include a 50/50 split of coaching and interviews!
If you or someone you know needs coaching in their life, screen shot the episode or podcast artwork, be sure to comment and leave a review. Share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @josemiguellongo for your chance to win a FREE 30 minute session. I will be choosing 3 winners each month and potentially selecting those winners to be on the podcast!!
Let’s dive into the episode!!
So, I left off last time talking about being in my early 20. This episode is a bit all over the place, but there are important things to understand about my 20 that summarize somewhat who I am and how I became this person I am today. I don’t verbally say because I went on several rants, but you can hear it in the layers of my story.
I don’t believe this will the last version of Getting to Know Me, but I think this helps you understand why I created this podcast and why being a life and business coach is so important to me.
I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment and/or review. It would mean the world to me!
I look forward to having meaningful conversations where we can explore stories and ideas and create a space for people to connect and feel like they belong.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @josemiguellongo for more inspiration and motivational content. Find our Facebook Community at Coaching For Your Life.
Email us your questions at

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Show Notes: Episode 5: Getting to know You.. Well, Not You, ME!-Part I
Hello Chit Chatters!
Thank you so much for tuning into the podcast! I appreciate all of you listening, sharing and commenting.
This episode is part one of a two part episode. I want people to get to know me, who I am, my past and where this podcast came from. I want this to be an opportunity for the podcast to resonate and connect with you. Maybe you had a similar childhood, maybe you had a similar teenage adolescences. Or maybe you see me and get what it was like to group up in the 80’s and 90’s. This first episode is pretty much me sharing a lot of tea on my life from 10 years of age to early 20’s.
Listen in and tell if anything resonates with. Share your thoughts or comments. I want to hear from you!
Connect with US!
Do any of these questions and thoughts sound like you? Do you want to dive in to get more clarity and purpose out of your fears? Let's do a FREE 30 minute coaching call.
Email us at: to get a 30 minute coaching session. In the subject line enter "COACHING SESSION".
Thank you for listening. Be sure to like, subscribe and leave your comments and feedback on the episode.
We want to hear from you! Your feedback and comments are important for the growth of the podcast and for the development of content.
I look forward to having meaningful conversations where we can explore stories and ideas and create a space for people to connect and feel like they belong. We’ll have episodes that will include guest speakers as well as live shows where you can call in and ask questions. Be on the lookout for new episodes each Wednesday.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @josemiguellongo for more inspiration and motivational content. Find our Facebook Community at Coaching For Your Life.
Email us your questions at

This is the description area. You can write an introduction or add anything you want to tell your audience. This can help listeners better understand your podcast.