Coaching for Millennials: A How to Guide for All Things Life & Career | Helping People Design their Career & Life Roadmap By Uncovering their Strengths, Passion & Purpose
Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Do you feel like something is missing and you need some guidance? Do you often feel unfulfilled with what you’re doing on a day to day basis? Well, I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to feel that way anymore. I’m here to help you through your journey in life. To gain clarity, find purpose and passion. My name is Jose Miguel Longo. I’m a gay Hispanic, a husband, dog Daddy, an advocate for social justice, DEI, an ally for all LGBTQ+, a career and life coach and millennial born in 1983. I have spent my time since the age of 14, working my way around the world of work. I know my God given talents are to help those around me to gain clarity in their lives while finding their passion and purpose. For the last decade, I’ve spent my time coaching college students and alums from all three generations X, Y and Z and designing their career stories and mapping what they’re wanting to do in their lives. The podcast Coaching For Millennials is a how-to-guide for all things career life and a sprinkle of everything in between is an all-inclusive space for meaningful conversations on topics happening in our world right now. It is a space for people to go on a holistic journey and uncover their passion and purpose. I’m here for all generations, no matter what you identify as if you’re seeking to transition from a career industry or job to another or ready to transform your life completely. I got you boo. Whatever the fantasy you’re trying to create. Let me make it happen. If you’re ready to start the journey to explore your passion and purpose, get focused on gaining clarity to transform you to a place that will fuel you and inspire you and sprinkle some joy and laughter in between. It’s time to dive into Coaching For Millennials! Visit our website:

Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Show Notes: Episode 4- From Drained and Bleh to Energized in 7 minutes with Guest Benjamin Fritz, May 14
Today we have a special guest on our show, my friend Ben Fritz! Ben is the creator of “The Creative Energy Shift”, which we will talk about on the show today and he is also a fellow podcast host, “Why The World Needs You”. You can find Ben’s bio and social contact info below.
Today’s show is going to be about coaching and what coaching means. You’ll learn how to get inspired, motivated and how to learn to shift your mindset.
Ben shares his story on how he had a career change in his life and how his original plans after college changed him and his career. Throughout his journey he realized his passion and knew he needed to make a shift.
Early on in his college education he went for the career that led him to the money versus the path of his passion and purpose. He shares how it changed him and how his transition from a computer science programmer to fitness trainer to life coach as impacted his view on life.
We talked about how money is a resources but can hurt you when you let it be the sole factor in deciding your career and your future path.
We shifted our conversation to The Creative Energy Shift (CES). Ben believes that we each have a creative gift that we need to be giving the world. The CES was born out of working with clients and people who are often working in careers that they are often not happy in or are too scared leaving their job. Minute 18:00
Making a risky changes while still keeping a job that can be consistent and stable. However when you want to create another world of work like a side hustle or gig you end up drained at the end of the day before you can even begin to get to put dinner at the table.
Two states, creative state and survival state. We all have things we need to do in our lives to get where we want to be. It’s hard to step into the person we want to become. Ben created this while working with his clients in harnessing the power of mindset, visualization and body to create a place this much light and more productive.
Fear changes our mindset and always keeps us in the survival mode. Sometimes we are so scared to disappoint the people around us and trying to battle everything that we are dealing with like money, relationships, imposter syndrome, etc. Minute 22:00
Often we are asked at a young age, what do you want to do when you grow up? How can we know who we want to be when we are still trying to tie our shoes? It’s important to shift the conversation to learning to develop skills, understanding our values and using the strengths that we developed and are part of our unique personality and style to apply it to the world of work and future career. Using the conversation to really gather information and learn more about who we are meant to be. Minute 28:40
Depending on what you want and where you are looking there are tons of communities and group to join and be part of that help you in your personal and professional life. Sometimes a community can lift you up and help you find your happy and your gift. We all have one and we have to work to find it.
Ben says “hear the voice inside you and don’t let it hold you back. That little voice is the true you and what is urging you to do the things you are meant to do.” He shares that he works with people who are often stuck and are looking for a place to connect. He uses his podcast to create that space and share the journey that people have lived with and their life experience.
Ben is a life coach whose mission is to empower difference-makers to realize their potential, do the work they want to in the world, and create a life of freedom & fulfillment. Ben believes that we all have a unique gift and contribution to make to the world. There is no time to waste - the world needs you!
Ben appreciates the simple things in life: good food, good company, and the feeling of the warm sun on his skin. He simply loves feeling alive.
Instagram: @benjamin.m.fritz
Facebook: Ben Fritz
Podcast: Why the World Needs You (

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Show Notes: Episode 3: How Courage Can Change Your Life, May 6, 2020
Today we are going to talk about how courage can not only change your life, but give you the control that you need to get you where you want to go.
We are living in some really challenging times. This global pandemic has caused so many people to shift their lives in ways they never imagined. For many people it has affected their mental health and ability to cope with everyday tasks.
Let’s start off my identifying what Courage is?
According to the dictionary, courage is defined as
the ability to do something that frightens one.
strength in the face of pain or grief
Basically is doing something bravely or just the act of being brave. We all have this inside and we need to find it!
This is also about control. Having control over things during a challenging time or period can be difficult. When you don’t have control, you need to use courage to help you FEEL like you are in control.
Gretchin Rubin said it best, “Act the way you want to feel.” This is gold you guys!
We have to look for ways to process our feelings
We have to take care ourselves
Take care of our family and those around us
Why is Courage so Important?
We don’t give ourselves the permission to act bravely. Often we only have control of our feelings and our mindset. When you give yourself courage, you can change the mindset.
Often choosing comfort is the easy way out of choosing courage. You get in the mindset that negates your efforts to move you ahead. CHOSE Courage over Comfort and you will seek yourself grow.
One of my favorite quotes is by Brené Brown, “Courage has a ripple effect. Every time we choose courage, we make sure everyone around us is a little better and the world is a litter braver.”
You have the ability to be brave
You have the ability to challenge yourself
Key Takeaways
Be nice to yourself- Most Important
Be loving, compassionate, cooperative, and kind
Connect with 1 person each day for 1 week and ask them- How are they doing?
With Courage find Joy: look for things that make you happy, find an activity you can do that puts you at ease (music, meditation, working out, cooking, etc)
Connect with people: We are humans! We are meant to connect and have emotions!
Also May is National Mental Awareness Month, if you or someone you know suffers from mental health please check-in and let them know you are here for them.
Connect with US!
Do any of these questions and thoughts sound like you? Do you want to dive in to get more clarity and purpose out of your fears? Let's do a FREE 30 minute coaching call.
Email us at: to get a FREE 30 minute coaching session. In the subject line enter "FREE COACHING".
Thank you for listening. Be sure to like, subscribe and leave your comments and feeback on the episode.
We want to hear from you! Your feedback and comments are important for the growth of the podcast and for the development of content.
I look forward to having meaningful conversations where we can explore stories and ideas and create a space for people to connect and feel like they belong. We’ll have episodes that will include guest speakers as well as live shows where you can call in and ask questions. Be on the lookout for new episodes each Wednesday.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @josemiguellongo for more inspiration and motivational content. Find our Facebook Community at Coaching For Your Life.
Email us your questions at

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Episode 2: FEAR
This episodes is all about FEAR. That's right fear. It has a negative connotation to it and almost takes control over everything you dream of wanting to do and get in the way of your mindset and looking ahead.
Here are some takeaways from the show:
Understanding where your fear comes from
How have your limiting beliefs prevented you from reaching a goal and accomplishment
leading with courage to move forward while living your life with fear and learning to grow and get over it
Give yourself the permission to do what you are most scared of
How to stop letting your limiting beliefs get in the way and how doing something messy with courage can lead to the success you are looking for
Do any of these questions and thoughts sound like you? Do you want to dive in to get more clarity and purpose out of your fears? Let's do a FREE 30 minute coaching call.
Email us at: to get a FREE 30 minute coaching session. In the subject line enter "FREE COACHING".
Thank you for listening. Be sure to like, subscribe and leave your comments and feedback on the episode.
We want to hear from you! Your feedback and comments are important for the growth of the podcast and for the development of content.
I look forward to having meaningful conversations where we can explore stories and ideas and create a space for people to connect and feel like they belong. We’ll have episodes that will include guest speakers as well as live shows where you can call in and ask questions. Be on the lookout for new episodes each Wednesday.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @josemiguellongo for more inspiration and motivational content. Find our Facebook Community at Coaching For Your Life.
Email us your questions at

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Show Notes:
Hi everyone, welcome to Chit Chat with Jose Miguel the podcast. My name is Jose Miguel Longo, and I am your host.
Are you seeking to find your purpose, but not sure where to start?
Do you feel like something is missing in your life and need some real guidance? Do you feel like you can use some inspiration and motivation?
Well, here’s a podcast for you. Each week I’ll be using my expertise in life and career coaching to bring you topics surrounding the conversation of happiness, success, and life.
I look forward to having meaningful conversations where we can explore stories and ideas and create a space for people to connect and feel like they belong. We’ll have episodes that will include guest speakers as well as live shows where you can call in and ask questions. Be on the lookout for new episodes each Wednesday.
Thank you for listening. Be sure to like, subscribe and leave your comments and feeback on the episode.
We want to hear from you! Your feedback and comments are important for the growth of the podcast and for the development of content.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @josemiguellongo for more inspiration and motivational content. Find our Facebook Community at Coaching For Your Life.
Email us your questions at

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