Coaching for Millennials: A How to Guide for All Things Life & Career | Helping People Design their Career & Life Roadmap By Uncovering their Strengths, Passion & Purpose
Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Do you feel like something is missing and you need some guidance? Do you often feel unfulfilled with what you’re doing on a day to day basis? Well, I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to feel that way anymore. I’m here to help you through your journey in life. To gain clarity, find purpose and passion. My name is Jose Miguel Longo. I’m a gay Hispanic, a husband, dog Daddy, an advocate for social justice, DEI, an ally for all LGBTQ+, a career and life coach and millennial born in 1983. I have spent my time since the age of 14, working my way around the world of work. I know my God given talents are to help those around me to gain clarity in their lives while finding their passion and purpose. For the last decade, I’ve spent my time coaching college students and alums from all three generations X, Y and Z and designing their career stories and mapping what they’re wanting to do in their lives. The podcast Coaching For Millennials is a how-to-guide for all things career life and a sprinkle of everything in between is an all-inclusive space for meaningful conversations on topics happening in our world right now. It is a space for people to go on a holistic journey and uncover their passion and purpose. I’m here for all generations, no matter what you identify as if you’re seeking to transition from a career industry or job to another or ready to transform your life completely. I got you boo. Whatever the fantasy you’re trying to create. Let me make it happen. If you’re ready to start the journey to explore your passion and purpose, get focused on gaining clarity to transform you to a place that will fuel you and inspire you and sprinkle some joy and laughter in between. It’s time to dive into Coaching For Millennials! Visit our website:

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
EP93: UNCOVERING YOUR UNSHAKABLE BELIEF: How to Push Through The Imposter Syndrome, Saboteur, and Your Limiting Beliefs
Hello Chit Chatters,
Happy Wednesday! This episode is full of wisdom and golden nuggets.
Let's breakdown the stages of limiting belief and how to overcome them together.
Bring your pen, paper and favorite drink because you're gonna need it!
José Miguel
#limitingbelief #saboteur #impostersyndrome #selfsabotage #achievingyourgoals #achieveyourdream #life #career

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
EP92: REFLECTION: A Conversation on Hispanic Heritage Month, National Coming Out Day, Indigenous Peoples Day, & The Great Resignation
Hello Chit Chatters!
Welcome to another episode of Coaching for Millennials. In this episode I am sharing with you some thoughts and observation on recent events taking place this past week and sharing updates on information relevant to the Great Resignation that we are experiencing in our workforce.
If you're listening to this episode, you know I shared a lot of information. I also asked you as listeners to share your POV and opinions with me. I really want to hear from YOU!
Drop me an email, DM or a voice note!
My email is
DM on FB & Insta: @josemiguellongo
Leave a voice note on all platforms!
If you are ready to jump on a discovery call and are looking for clarity in your life, career and all the things, here is my calendly link:
I am giving you 30 minutes FREE!
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
#HispanicHertigageMonth #IndigenousPeopleDay #NationalComingOutDay #GreatResignation #Gay #LGBTQ #Latino #Hispanic #Career #Life #Culture

Friday Oct 08, 2021

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
EP90: How to Become the Unicorn Every Recruiter is Looking For!
Hello Chit Chatters!
Welcome back to another episode. Today's episode is all about the magic of being a unicorn!! YES we are all are!
All jokes aside, in the recruiting world we call unicorns the magical candidate who checks off all of the boxes when comes to the job description. This is nearly impossible to achieve! Its why it's so important to be sure to make sure you identify all of your transferrable skills and your resume is tailored to the job so you can be seen on the top of the applicant pool!
Take a listen to all of the details I share on what to do on LinkedIn and how to establish connection with recruiters so they can connect with you!
More show notes for this episode coming soon!
José Miguel

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
EP89: MIND, BODY & YOGA: How to Channel Your Energy & Connect with Yourself with Chuck Raffoni
Hello Chit Chatters!
Welcome back to another episode of Coaching for Millennials! On today’s episode we have a special guest, Chuck Raffoni from Yoga with Chuck. Chuck is an experienced yoga teacher, Health, Wellness & Spirituality Coach as well as a Reiki Master, Thai Bodyworker and Certified Fitness Specialist.
Below is a summary of my conversation with Chuck and some key takeaways from this episode. Be sure to bring your pen, paper and favorite drink. Let’s Dive In!!
Yoga with Chuck
Yoga welcomes every body type and people from different ages celebrate their body's capabilities
For Men, yoga has been given a bad representation in the media that creates intimidation, but also those who don’t know much about it can find it intimidating as well.
Some Limitations Are:
Language /Yoga practice levels of meditation
The scope of yoga can be limited by what people see or hear.
No injuries or issues
Try different styles and teachers
Goram's pose (spelling?) To little death as something Sabasa positive and space for something new Asha . space to create the stressor that can help expand assess Your mind, body and spirit take time to reflect
Trying different
Looking for a balance effort and ease into your body
Building a relationship to connect you to your body and yoga practice.
Give yourself the opportunity to try and experience it. Create awareness on what you’re feeling, where your mind is and where you are.
Commit to it and do the self-reflection to get through the breakthrough.
Get an understanding of your body and how your mind is holding on to the trauma
The chakra system is connected and aligned to certain areas of the body and life experience. Yoga can reconnect and align you to your trauma and tension.
Giving yourself healing and a safe space.
Yoga Benefits
Can be a kick-ass workout to help you lose fat and weight
meditation- being present and connected to your surroundings and breathina. huge physical ramification to help with connecting your body
show up
Bring your mat
Bring a blanket
Stay hydrated, move your body and don’t be scared to challenge it
About Chuck:
Chuck Raffoni is an experienced yoga teacher, Health, Wellness & Spirituality Coach as well as a Reiki Master, Thai Bodyworker and Certified Fitness Specialist. He teaches internationally through workshops, training and retreats as well as locally in New England where he resides. He offers online instruction as well directly with clients or through his on-demand library on Patreon. His goal is to use the foundations of yoga philosophy to help people live their lives to the fullest.
Connect with Chuck:
Tutorials and online video library:
Free 1 Hour "What to expect in your first yoga class video"
#yoga #mind #body #healing #mindfulness #meditation #soul #wellbeing #connection #takecareofyou #men #wellness #health #coach #coaching #bodywork

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
EP88: BOUNDARIES: How to Create Healthy Boundaries and Maintain Them
Hello Chit Chatters!
In this episode I am sharing some strategies and tips for creating boundaries! Take a listen and visit back while I create a detailed show notes experience.
José Miguel

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
EP 87: Seasons of Change: Embracing The Fear That Comes with Growth
Hello Chit Chatters! I come to you today full of heart and gratitude!
Today is my birthday and I am celebrating!
I am celebrating a new season of life that I am entering as a human, as a husband, career and life coach, and in my own career.
Embracing change and growth can be challenging, these periods in life are often called seasons because like the season of the year there is change to which the world and the environment is adjusting to all growth. Sometimes we need to do this with courage and let go of the fear so that the growth is in full bloom!
This episode is short and sweet! Take a dive into and remember that life is all about how you want to live it. You can affirm what you want in your life through positivity, courage and desire. I am here for you when you're ready to uncover and gain clarity as you seek to fulfill your career and life's purpose.
Love and Light,
José Miguel
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
To celebrate our 10,000 Download milestone, I am giving away 1 month of FREE coaching!!
To win this package here's what you need to do..
To Enter:
#1. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Music, and Spotify.
#2. Write a review on Apple Podcast (in Apple Music)!
#3. Take a screenshot of your review, and share it on Instagram stories and Facebook. YOU MUST tag me in your post.
#4.Tag someone who you think should listen to the podcast.
Last day to enter the giveaway is Wednesday, September 15. The winner will be announced on Thursday, September 16 via social media (instagram & facebook). I'll also announce the winner on the podcast episode that airs on Friday, September 17.
See you in the next episode!!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#seasonofchange #celebrate #life #birthday #fear #growth #mindset #posititvity #change #future #acceptance #giveaway #millennial #career #jobsearch #coaching #careercoach #lifecoach

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
EP86: Designing Your Career Story: Strategies for Connecting with Employers, Networking, & Interviewing
We all have a unique story to tell. One filled with adventures, successes, failures, challenges, lessons, and inspiration that have led us to the road we are on today.
Today is when you get to tell the story about you and your career. The journey that has built your competencies, skills, experiences, and expertise.
To design your career story is much like your elevator pitch. It's part of the brand you're creating for the world. There are of course different versions based on the audience you're speaking to or seeking to attract.
You need to decide a few things: who am I telling the story to?
Is it networking with folk from the industry you're trying to break into?
Is it at a career event and you're speaking to perspective recruiters?
Are you in an interview and the question, "tell me about yourself" comes up?
No matter the place, occasion or audience, you are front and center.
To help you develop a design you want really think of how you tell a story
A beginning
Each part is connected. keep it brief, concise, honest and personal.
You want to share and create an experience that your audience can develop a connection to. share enough to keep their attention and don't make it more than 2 mins.
Here's what to do for each part:
Share what you've been doing, how you got there and what interested you in the field or industry.
What's going on today? Provide some detail on accomplishment while keeping brief. share moments that are key successes thus far.
What's next? What's your next move/chapter?
This is where you should be bringing all the points together to help your audience understand what they should take away from speaking to you. If you're interviewing, why are
you the most qualified candidate Define some next steps that can lead to future conversations
To summarize
know your audience, share your passion and what you want them to know about you
Share your skill, qualification and competencies.
share your intentions where you want to go and be
Challenge yourself to speak your truth and tell the story you want people to know and hear.
Remember this is going to help you in the long run. Practicing this will make you feel more comfortable each time.
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
To celebrate our 10,000 Download milestone, I am giving away 1 month of FREE coaching!!
To win this package here's what you need to do..
To Enter:
#1. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Music, and Spotify.
#2. Write a review on Apple Podcast (in Apple Music)!
#3. Take a screenshot of your review, and share it on Instagram stories and Facebook. YOU MUST tag me in your post.
#4.Tag someone who you think should listen to the podcast.
Last day to enter the giveaway is Wednesday, September 15. The winner will be announced on Thursday, September 16 via social media (instagram & facebook). I'll also announce the winner on the podcast episode that airs on Friday, September 17.
See you in the next episode!!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#careerstory #careerdesign #career #designyourcareer #designyourlife #story #share #network #job #jobsearch #millennials #covid #coaching #podcast #giveaway

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
EP85: The Mindset Shift: Clarifying Your Mindset & Creating Positivity
What is happening Chit Chatters?!
Welcome to another episode of coaching for millennials. Today I want to bring you a short, brief and motivating and inspiring episode.
I've been feeling so inspired and motivated by all the things that have been happening around me and the conversations I'm having. I always base my episodes and my conversations on the podcast on what's happening around us in the world and what I'm feeling and the conversations I'm having with people.
I know sometimes we as human beings are in our own heads. And we always have that little voice in our heads that has a tendency of sabotaging ourselves and kind of shifting our mindset and our belief, and this is where me as a life coach comes in. I help people in shifting that mindset, but also hold people accountable to knowing that they're important and valuable in their own word and their own mind and their own voice.
In this episode, I want to just briefly talk to you a little bit about how that shift in mindset can help you 10 times more, when you're being aware of it and when it's happening.
To celebrate our 10,000 Download milestone, I am giving away 1 month of FREE coaching!!
To win this package here's what you need to do..
To Enter:#1. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Music, and Spotify.#2. Write a review on Apple Podcast (in Apple Music)! #3. Take a screenshot of your review, and share it on Instagram stories and Facebook. YOU MUST tag me in your post.#4.Tag someone who you think should listen to the podcast.
Last day to enter the giveaway is Wednesday, September 15. The winner will be announced on Thursday, September 16 via social media (instagram & facebook). I'll also announce the winner on the podcast episode that airs on Friday, September 17.
See you on the next episode!!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#coaching #life #giveaway #career #podcast #unstoppable # mindset #happening #share #millennials #inspire #overcome # feel #joy #journey #purpose #brave #courage #enough

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
EP84: Celebrating 10,000 Downloads & A Special Giveaway!
What's going on Chit Chatter so in the intro, I mentioned that I have a special little giveaway and we're celebrating. And so I'm excited to share with you that we have actually reached over 10,000 downloads of the podcast, which is such an amazing, amazing feat. I want to celebrate this with you because it is something that I never even thought could happen. I mean, of course I thought it could happen. But it wasn't something that I hadn't been thinking about. And to be quite honest, the show has been in existence since April of 2020. So we're literally 15 and a half months into the show. And to have 10,000 downloads to me means the world. So for you as listeners, I'm so so grateful for you!
Thank you so much for supporting me, supporting this community that we've created together for listening in, and being part of the show. You know, every week that I bring a new episode and I bring new guests is really to support a community of people who need to hear what the world is seeing what the world is feeling, and being able to share topics about things that we're actually living through and feeling and things that people may want to explore.
I'm so grateful and blessed to have all of you listeners who have stuck with me for the last year and a half and have been part of the show. I also want to mention that for anybody who is out there that has listened to the show, maybe you've listened to one episode, maybe you've listened to five episodes, and you've got something out of that. That, to me, is important because you may not listen to every episode because maybe it doesn't resonate with you or the content isn't for you. What I'm trying to get at with this whole entire rant that I'm going on, is that if there's something that you truly wish to want to do and accomplish, you can do it and you have to just set your heart on a goal and make sure you stick with it. This podcast was something that I had talked about for years!! Finally in the middle of the pandemic I said I'm going to launch it, I want to do it, and I did it really messy, and I did it with all my heart and the show has grown so much!
You know we originally started with a name of chit chat with Jose Miguel which is why I still say hey chatters, but also I went through a rebrand, I launched my coaching practices, and then came the clients and then all of the different packages. So much came from launching this podcast. And so much growth has happened in the last year and a half. The point is, if you're, if you're someone who has a goal, or wish or a dream that you're looking to achieve, that you want to actually make happen, don't let other things in your life get in the way of actually achieving your dreams and achieving your goals.
Everything that you want to do in your life is absolutely 100% possible, you just have to have the right mindset, you have to have the right support systems. The most important thing is you have to believe in yourself, you have to believe in yourself to know that you are capable and 100% able to do what you want, the journey to get there. To actually get to that level that you want to be may not be easy, but everyone has the ability to pursue it. I shouldn't even say but, it's all about you not giving up on yourself. I had moments in time where the podcast to me was just like, I'm just gonna talk and say things that maybe are going to connect with people. And maybe they won't, and never in my brightest days or my worst of days did I think that we would be at 10,000 downloads. It's such an amazing thing to celebrate!
Ultimately it shows that there are people out there who are hearing what I'm sharing and hearing the episodes week in and week out, and it's resonating with them. That's what's most important. As long as I know that there are people out there who are getting value out of what we're talking about and the conversations we're sharing, I'm going to continue to grow the podcast. Thank you so much for the support. I can't thank you enough. I'm so grateful.
Now, I mentioned something about celebrating. So to celebrate this amazing achievement, I'm going to give away a free month of coaching. I did this before when we hit 5000 downloads last fall. And I'm doing this again. Because I always believe that coaching is something that people are always scared to actually take the leap into going into, because they may not think that it's right for them. This is an opportunity for someone who may have listened to the podcast, or who may have not heard the podcast and may find this post on social media for you to explore and kind of dig your feet into coaching.
Let me explain a little bit about what this giveaway actually entails. So basically, it's a free month of coaching. And what that means is that for four weeks, I will meet with one person, so it's one month for one person, one day each week, okay, for an hour session. I will provide the person with support via text WhatsApp Messenger, in addition to email or phone calls outside of that one hour session. This means that this will be a deep dive into understanding what the person is really looking to do if you've never explored coaching. And let's say you're someone who's looking for clarity or you're feeling stuck, or maybe you're a person who's looking to expand your career and need support with trying to figure out what your next move is. Or you're going through some changes in your life and you're not really sure what that means. Coaching is for you!
The type of coaching that I do is accountability, it's career, it's helping people who are going through change in their lives and not sure where they want to go, what they want to do, or what they want to be. It's also helping people get a job and getting clarity and how to define what their next move is. So there's a lot of things in my realm of expertise and what I do in my umbrella of coaching that I can support someone. It's a great opportunity for you to get an understanding if coaching is for you and if you want to explore it further. I actually have an FAQ page set up on my website that can help someone understand what coaching is and what coaching means.
Here is how the giveaway is going to work!
#1. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Music, and Spotify. So if you haven't subscribed to the show yet, let's get you subscribed. That is how you will get alerts when a new episode airs. I have always committed to bringing a new episode at least one new episode a week, I'm working towards the goal of being consistent with doing two a week. It's hard when you have a full time job, and you have coaching practice and other things. BUT it is something that I'm working towards and I really, really want to commit to that. So, number one is you need to subscribe to the podcast. Again, the podcast is on Apple Music on Spotify, and it's on other platforms, but the ones that I'm looking for people to subscribe to specifically are Apple and Spotify because I can check them very easily. So that's the first thing you need to do in order to participate in this giveaway.
#2. You need to write a review! Reviews are very important to the show. It's how people who are searching for different podcasts or different categories will understand if this podcast is for them. If you've listened to an episode that was really valuable to you, and it gave you some purpose, or you shared it with the world, writing a review is going to help the show grow, but also for other listeners to understand what the show is all about. So number two is write a review. It means the world to me when people write reviews, and if you love the show, why not do it. So that's number two. You can write your review in Apple Podcasts( Apple Music). For some reason Apple is the reigning supreme where podcasts categories and reviews are ranked (don't ask me If you don't have an Apple account or Apple Music as a friend or family member to do this for you. I am not an Apple user, (Android Fan for Life!) but I have an Apple Music account.
#3. Take a screenshot of your review, and share it on Instagram stories and Facebook. YOU MUST tag me in order for me to know that you actually did this step, I can always go back to look at the reviews of the show on Apple Music and I can go back to look to see if people said anything on my channel on Spotify. However, in order for me to know that you did step 3, which is taking the screenshot of the review, and sharing it on social media on your stories, that is how I'm going to know that you've completed steps one through three. Okay, so you need to tag me when you go to share it on your stories, you need to share it on your Instagram stories, and Facebook stories. So take a screenshot of that review!
#4. Last one...Tag someone who you think should listen to the podcast. One of the things that's really important about sharing a community and growing community is being able to share the show with people who you think will need to be inspired. Tag a friend, tag a family member, or tag a colleague, it doesn't matter who you tag, just tag someone, okay? It's important because that will ultimately allow more listeners to come to the show, and help engage a larger audience of guests and be able to bring better content.
Last day to enter the giveaway is Wednesday, September 15. The winner will be announced on Thursday, September 16 via social media (instagram & facebook). I'll also announce the winner on the podcast episode that airs on Friday, September 17.
Wait there is more.... BONUS!!!
I always love referrals! Referrals are important and it's how I have actually grown my coaching practice. For anyone, you refer to one of the coaching packages that we have available. If someone signs up and pays for a package, you will get one free hour of coaching in addition to the 4 sessions you could win! So that means it's a bonus for you to be able to share with the world and share with your friends, family colleagues, that you're entering into this giveaway, and let people know, hey, if you buy a coaching package you can get a free hour of coaching, in addition to the giveaway. So that means that if you win the giveaway, you will get five, maybe six depending on how many people sign up for coaching sessions. That's always something also to look forward to.
At any rate, I'm going to stop ranting now because this episode was meant to be really short to just celebrate! Thank you so much. I have so much love for all of you as my community as my listeners. I appreciate you. And I really appreciate the continuous support that you've given me and the podcast and to the show throughout the last year and a half. Thank you so much, and I can't wait for the next episode. All my love. XO!
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#coaching #podcast #giveaway #career #celebrate #share #life #applepodcast #spotifypodcast #listenin #millennial #reviews #tag #people #explore #life #purpose #journey #celebrate

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