Coaching for Millennials: A How to Guide for All Things Life & Career | Helping People Design their Career & Life Roadmap By Uncovering their Strengths, Passion & Purpose
Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Do you feel like something is missing and you need some guidance? Do you often feel unfulfilled with what you’re doing on a day to day basis? Well, I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to feel that way anymore. I’m here to help you through your journey in life. To gain clarity, find purpose and passion. My name is Jose Miguel Longo. I’m a gay Hispanic, a husband, dog Daddy, an advocate for social justice, DEI, an ally for all LGBTQ+, a career and life coach and millennial born in 1983. I have spent my time since the age of 14, working my way around the world of work. I know my God given talents are to help those around me to gain clarity in their lives while finding their passion and purpose. For the last decade, I’ve spent my time coaching college students and alums from all three generations X, Y and Z and designing their career stories and mapping what they’re wanting to do in their lives. The podcast Coaching For Millennials is a how-to-guide for all things career life and a sprinkle of everything in between is an all-inclusive space for meaningful conversations on topics happening in our world right now. It is a space for people to go on a holistic journey and uncover their passion and purpose. I’m here for all generations, no matter what you identify as if you’re seeking to transition from a career industry or job to another or ready to transform your life completely. I got you boo. Whatever the fantasy you’re trying to create. Let me make it happen. If you’re ready to start the journey to explore your passion and purpose, get focused on gaining clarity to transform you to a place that will fuel you and inspire you and sprinkle some joy and laughter in between. It’s time to dive into Coaching For Millennials! Visit our website:

Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
EP83: Job Search Platforms: Indeed vs. LinkedIn
Hello Chit Chatters,
Welcome back to another episode! Today we are comparing two of my favorite job search platforms, Indeed and LinkedIn. The reason I chose these two is because they both offer so much value to your job search when you're using them to your advantage.
Be sure to bring your pen and paper to dive into this one!
Let's jump into what the difference is between these two.
Largest Job Board Globally
Job postings in over 200 countries
Over 50 million employer listings
Over 700 million users
Social Networking PlatformProfessional engagement and business development
specialized in developing connections and communities
Over 800 million users
Used in over 200 countries
More notes to come very soon!
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
Love & Light,
José Miguel
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#jobsearch #career #job #jobboard #networking #network #linkedin #indeed #jobseeker #recruiter #HR #recruitment #global #gethired #engagement #employer #branding #professional #community

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
EP82: Getting Back to Basics: Strategies to Uncover Your Purpose & Helped You Move Forward
Hello Chit Chatters!
Welcome to this amazing episode! I will be adding the list of strategies here shortly, but I wanted to make sure I brought you this amazing episode while I work on those show notes!

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
EP81: The Journey to Validation- LIVE Coaching Session with Dominick Distasio
Welcome to another episode chit chatters! This one is a one you'll want to bring your pen and paper to take notes because we are doing a live coaching session with one of my clients.
Come back later for some details show note son what we are unpacking in our conversation.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
EP80: Introduction to LinkedIn- Building Your Community & Network with Reena Friedman Watts
Hello Chit Chatters!
Welcome back to another episode of Coaching for Millennials! I am excited to share this new episode with you because I have a good friend of mine who is joining me to talk about one of my favorite social media, business, networking platforms- LinkedIn!
If you haven't heard any episodes of the podcast before and this is your first one, know that LinkedIn is a common platform that we talk about and it is one of the places I make most of my connections with clients, guests and peers. It's also a great place for content sharing, community building and networking.
What you can expect to hear in this conversation is an introductory conversation to LinkedIn. Reena and I have been on the platform almost since its inception. I wanted to host a conversation such as this one to help people and my awesome listeners with using the platform and why you should be joining. Listen in to learn about how to make connections, make engaging posts, join groups, establish a presence, get seen, get heard and build a community.
Be on the lookout for future episodes on specific topics surrounding LinkedIn to help you build the best profile and brand, enhance your network, find a job, get hired, find your target audience and more! Stay Tuned!
About My Guest: Reena Friedman Watts
There’s not much Reena Friedman Watts hasn’t done in her professional life. She’s scoured the NPR newswire for stories. She’s combed through hundreds of small claims cases. She’s worked on reality TV shows such as The Jerry Springer Show, Court TV, and Nanny 911. She’s worked in Radio. She’s planned mega-events for the telecom and finance industries. She’s secured sponsors and emceed. She’s booked sensational and hard-to-get guests such as Howard Schultz, Barbara Corcoran, Ken Coleman, and Derek Sivers on Cathy Heller’s Don’t Keep Your Day Job Podcast and boosted the downloads from 4M to nearly 15M.
Reena has a God-given talent for connecting people and building communities, and she bestows her magic on people in the most selfless and genuine way. Ideas for how people can achieve the fantastic flow out of her head as effortlessly as breath flows into her lungs. Her diverse background and skill set allow her to seamlessly weave in and out of multiple markets and find her way through doors that don’t open for others. She coaches entrepreneurs on how to get unstuck and find their first clients, she gets blurbs from influencers for their best-selling books, and she even helps them grow communities of their own.
Reena is a questioner and a story junkie, and she’s scratching that itch on her highly anticipated podcast, Better Call Daddy. She’s telling the stories that haven’t been told and sprinkling them with wisdom from one of her most trusted advisors, her Dad.
Reena is a hustler, a change-maker, and a consummate connector. Imagine what she can do for you.
You can listen to Reena's podcast, Better Call Daddy and learn more about her amazing production company, Mega Watts Productions
To connect with Reena, you can find her on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram @ReenaFriedmanWatts
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
Love & Light,
José Miguel
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#LinkedIn #people #connect #connection #profile #post #share #hashtags #engagement #groups #events #conversation #work #create #business #network #career #life #job #jobsearch #prepare #future #world #networking

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
EP79: KNOWING YOUR WORTH: Salary Negotiations, Asking For a Raise & More
Hello Chit Chatters!
I have to start by saying that I am so grateful for all of you who are loyal listeners and to those who have come and hung out for one episode here and there, and those who lurk around trying to figure out if this show is for you! I am blessed to have all of you listen and I thank you for that!
In this week's episode, I want to share some tips on uncovering your worth and how to go about the conversation on salary negotiation, asking for a raise, knowing when it's time to leave, and lastly not doubting your decision in any of these situations.
First and foremost, you matter and you are unique, talented and special in every way. You have a unique God given gift and talent that is waiting to be shared with the world. If you have found that through your work and are happy with where you are, great! Continue on your journey of personal and professional development, BUT remember GROWTH doesn't stop because you've reached a level that makes you feel accomplished and successful.
The beauty of what we are experiencing and living with during the #GreatResignation is that people are taking the time to reflect on what matters most to them and defining the values that they are not willing to sacrifice for any job or career. Oh and you should NOT feel guilty or ashamed for making these decisions. PERIOD!
Now if you're listening to this episode, be sure to bring your pen and paper to take notes, because I share some tactics that will help you in negotiating your salary in a new job or promotion, how to ask for a salary increase or raise and uncovering when it's time to make the change into a new opportunity or career.
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
Love & Light,
José Miguel
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#salary #joboffer #raise #neogotiation #negotiate #value #worth #uncoveryourvalue #knowyourworth #career #opportunity #balance #futureofwork #jobsearch

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Hello Chit Chatters!
I AM BACK!! After a much needed break, I have taken some time to bring you a NEW episode.
This week's episode is EP78: The Great Resignation: Why Working From Home is Here to Stay
In this episode I am sharing some of the reasons for the #greatresignation and how to identify some of the signs that you might be a part of the great movement.
We all know that the COVID-19 Pandemic and quarantine has required all of us to spend time away from in person work and adapt to bring our work into our homes. For many people this meant running your whole team and staff in a virtual environment while some were wearing multiple hats of managing their kids, assisting with remote classroom studies, taking care of their parents and/or dealing with the overwhelming stress of uncertainty of the world and your own mental health.
If you agreed or nodded your head to one of these or have a similar experience to some of these, it is likely that you've had some time to reflect and think about what you value most in life and how your world of work play an active role in it.
Prior to 2020, we were all living in our own bubble of how we manage our day to day work-life and balance our personal lives with it. For the last eight months, we've all questioned everything about what we want in a work-life balance and what we expect from our workplace and the culture that is created.
I've always said that world of work is in need of change to help people actually take and have a better work-life balance as oppose to thinking and saying that we have one. Americans are among the most overworked country globally. As a society, we have a strong live to work mindset as oppose to a work to live. The pandemic and the working from home experience is causing folks to question their values about work-life balance, putting their families and mental-health first and leaving the complicated, on demand work culture behind.
In this episode, I share some strategies on what is causing the Great Resignation, ways for you to begin to live a more balance life that isn't focused on work and how to start the conversation at work about returning or not returning.
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
Love & Light,
José Miguel
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have a various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#futureofwork #greatresignation #worklifebalance #employees #mentalhealth #career #future #burnout #employees #millennials #genZ #work #life #newopportunities #job #jobsearch #youmatter #putyoufirst

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
EP77: Job Search 2.0: Identifying Your Skill, Qualifications & Values to Build a LinkedIn Presence
Show Notes on Episode coming soon!

Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
EP76: PRIDE SERIES: Celebrate. Reflect. Honor. Love
Hello Chit Chatters!
Happy Official Pride Weekend in NY and possibly globally!
I am filled with some much joy, honor and proud to be a gay man!
Over the last three weeks, I have brought you episodes on PRIDE and shared different topics and themes reflected of the LGBTQ community.
Never did I think I could openly say and share my thoughts and feelings about being a gay, Hispanic male on a platform like a podcast. Truthfully, I wasn't living to my full potential and being my authentic self until the last 8 years.
I have been "out" since 2002, but the layers of being a member of the LGBTQ community aren't easy to live with on a day to day basis. I dedicate this mini-series to all of those who came before us and fought for our right to marry who we want to marry, to go out in public and hold hands and kiss who we want. Love who want and be GAY AF!
This episode closes the series, but it doesn't mean that Pride stops being celebrated until next June. I want to celebrate my community 365/24/7 and share stories, inspire others, and be a trailblazer any way I can.
I am here for the LGBTQ+ and for BIPOC and BLM. Pride is just about being out and gay. It's about community, love and the celebration of life!
If this episode brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
Love & Light
José Miguel
#pride #gay #lgbt #lgbtq #loveislove #love #pridemonth #lesbian #instagay #queer #gaypride #bisexual #gayboy #trans #transgender #lgbtqia #dragqueen #lovewins #rainbow #art #lgbtpride #gayman #gaylove #nonbinary #inclusion #diversity #equity

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
EP75: 5 Ways to Create an Inclusive LGBTQ Workplace
Hello Chit Chatters!
Welcome back to another episode of Coaching For Millennials! In this episode we’re continuing with our theme of PRIDE since it is pride month, but more importantly I want to dive deeper into the elements of inclusion and create awareness around the space of inclusion in the workplace for LGBTQ people.
I recently completed a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workplace Certification through the University of South Florida at the Muma College of Business. I learned so much in the short timeframe and although I have been active in doing toe DEI work, the more we are able to learn from each other and hear different perspectives, the awareness we can create in the spaces for others.
I mention the certification program for a few reasons. 1. I am proud to have participated in the program and to have shared it with so many people who benefited from participating in it. 2. One of the topics discussed in the program that is important to creating an inclusive workplace is Emotional Intelligence.
Now, we’ve talked about Emotional Intelligence a lot here on the show and we have a few episodes in season one where I have a few guests that shared their expertise on the topic, but for the purpose of this episode, I highlighted 4 areas of emotional intelligence I felt were most relevant to rolling up your sleeves and creating the space around emotional intelligence to then have a workplace that is more inclusive.
Here are the 4 elements around Emotional Intelligence:
Social Awareness
Relationship Management
You can find more details on each of these at:
Moving along, you can hear all of my thoughts, experiences and opinions on how to create a space that is inclusive of emotional intelligence in the episode. Let’s dive into the 5 ways to make the workplace more inclusive for LGBTQ folks
Have Self-Awareness & Social Awareness
Educate Yourself
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions OR Make Mistakes
Ask About Pronouns & Preferred Name
Show Up: Be an Ally and Create a Community for LBGTQ People
I also reference my good friend Dr. Steve Yacovelli aka The Gay Leadership Dude to learn more about his research, practice and book called “Pride Leadership”. He is a true testament to someone who is not only part of the LGBTQ community, but also a teacher and mentor.
Steve was also on the podcast back in Season 1, Episode 39 if you want to hear about our conversation on leadership, inclusion and more!
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
Love & Light
José Miguel
#pride #gay #lgbt #lgbtq #loveislove #love #pridemonth #lesbian #instagay #queer #gaypride #bisexual #gayboy #trans #transgender #lgbtqia #dragqueen #lovewins #rainbow #art #lgbtpride #gayman #gaylove #nonbinary #inclusion #diversity #equity

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
EP74: PRIDE: Celebrating LGBTQ+ A Look at My Identity, Community & Family
Hello Chit Chatters!
Happy Pride Month! June is always a special month for me and for the millions of LGBTQ+ Allies who celebrate love, community and equality.
In this episode I am sharing my coming out story and how I formed my identity as a Gay Latinx, what it's like to understand your own identity and what it means for me as Gay Man.
I also share with you some tips on looking for your community in the LGBTQ+ scene. All of us in the world want to be seen, heard and belong. This is even more important when you're trying to discover your identity and having a community that you can connect with and trust.
Then there is family. Family is always hard for any LGBTQ+ person. The journey is tough even after you feel fully comfortable in your own skin to remain confident in who you are and optimistic about being in spaces free of judgement and fear. Having a community and family that is your chosen family can bring you peace, love and warmth.
This episode is where I am truly vulnerable in sharing parts of my coming out story, the evolution of uncovering my LGBTQ identity and being happy and loved by me.
Listen in and let me know what you think. This one is for all of us, because love is love and equality should be a right for all!
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
Love & Light
José Miguel
#pride #gay #lgbt #lgbtq #loveislove #love #pridemonth #lesbian #instagay #queer #gaypride #bisexual #gayboy #trans #transgender #instagood #follow #like #instagram #lgbtqia #dragqueen #lovewins #rainbow #art #lgbtpride #gayman #photography #gaylove #nonbinary #bhfyp

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