Coaching for Millennials: A How to Guide for All Things Life & Career | Helping People Design their Career & Life Roadmap By Uncovering their Strengths, Passion & Purpose
Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Do you feel like something is missing and you need some guidance? Do you often feel unfulfilled with what you’re doing on a day to day basis? Well, I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to feel that way anymore. I’m here to help you through your journey in life. To gain clarity, find purpose and passion. My name is Jose Miguel Longo. I’m a gay Hispanic, a husband, dog Daddy, an advocate for social justice, DEI, an ally for all LGBTQ+, a career and life coach and millennial born in 1983. I have spent my time since the age of 14, working my way around the world of work. I know my God given talents are to help those around me to gain clarity in their lives while finding their passion and purpose. For the last decade, I’ve spent my time coaching college students and alums from all three generations X, Y and Z and designing their career stories and mapping what they’re wanting to do in their lives. The podcast Coaching For Millennials is a how-to-guide for all things career life and a sprinkle of everything in between is an all-inclusive space for meaningful conversations on topics happening in our world right now. It is a space for people to go on a holistic journey and uncover their passion and purpose. I’m here for all generations, no matter what you identify as if you’re seeking to transition from a career industry or job to another or ready to transform your life completely. I got you boo. Whatever the fantasy you’re trying to create. Let me make it happen. If you’re ready to start the journey to explore your passion and purpose, get focused on gaining clarity to transform you to a place that will fuel you and inspire you and sprinkle some joy and laughter in between. It’s time to dive into Coaching For Millennials! Visit our website:

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
EP53: Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): How to Get Pass the ATS & Craft a Resume to Get You Seen
Hello Chit Chatters!
This episode is a juicy one! You're gonna wanna grab you pen and paper or bookmark each segment because it is going to be everything!
Here is what I am sharing with you today!
How to the format and style of a readable resume for an ATS?
Facts on what ATS do and how they work
The sections of a resume and how to build one for each part of your career
Why it is fundamental to show up and establish a presence in LinkedIn to help you Get hired!
More show notes to come!
Let me know what you think in the comments and be sure to share this episode with someone you think needs this in their life. If you found value in today's episode, please leave a review on apple podcast and on podchaser. Reviews help the show grow and be seen by more people.
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have a various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too! XO!

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
BONUS EPISODE! EP52: ARE YOU MULTI-PASSIONATE? How To Accomplish All The Things Without The Burnout
Hello Chit Chatters!
Welcome to this bonus episode for this week! Today I am digging into ridding yourself of the burnout when you're a multi-passionate. My tips for getting shit done!
Bring your pen and paper for this one because you're gonna want to write down these notes!
What's most important going into this is the mindset work you need to prepare for to really accomplish what you want. You're probably saying what does that mean?
Here are the two mindset for this: SELF-AWARENESS & SELF REFLECTION
This is going to give you the constant reminder of where you are and where you want to go to achieve your goals in this journey!
Here's how we start...
Think of all the things you want to accomplish. We are going to label them with what is IMPORTANT (I), what is a PRIORITY (P) and what brings you JOY (J). I call this my IPJ method. I've used the I & P for years and as time went on I realized that the energy of where I spend most of my time needs to be surrounded by what brings me the most JOY! So I added the J into this.
You're probably saying, everything is Important!! I will agree that every is important, but not everything is a Priority! - I get this is hard, but trust me. You will thank me later when you do this.
NOW... You need to be very practical and realistic to have the most IMPACT on what is delivering you the most joy in all the things.
After you've made your list, go back and label each thing with the IPJ. Be very realistic. YOUR TIME IS PRECIOUS!!
Here is the hard part, think about what isn't bringing you the joy and cross it off your list. Be sure to look at the items on your list that have all three (IPJ) or a (PJ). Circle them.
I know this is hard. If you're really being self-aware and paying attention to what you value and how you want to spend your time to make these tough decisions. If you're more aware, scratching these things will be easier.
To help you gain clarity on how to do all of this and if you're stuck and not sure where to start here are some questions to jump start this process...
What brings you the most joy?
What is the impact of your passion project?
What is going to bring you revenue?
How much time are you going to spend on these projects?
Who is being impacted by this and where will all this get you?
What is it that you value most in your life and what's it going to take to build this?
USE YOUR HEART! Lean into what is giving you the most value. Keep asking yourself..
What will this do for your future? What is the potential of this?
Now that we've mapped this out a bit you can see how you can still be multi-passionate in achieving the things that you know will make you more successful and make your business, career and life stronger because you've focused your energy on what's giving you the most joy!
Let me know what you think in the comments and be sure to share this episode with someone you think needs this in their life. If you found value in today's episode, please leave a review on apple podcast and on podchaser. Reviews help the show grow and be seen by more people.
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have a various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#lifecoach #multipassionate #success #careercoach #doonethingatatime #value #beyourbest #whatbringsyoujoy #ownyourlife #life #career #thebestisyettocome

Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
EP51: Why Everyone Needs a Coach in Their Life!
Hey Chit Chatters!
We've made it through another week and we're so grateful to be here!
In this episode I am chatting about coaching. That's right, I am going in deep on questions I've been answering in various Facebook groups and sharing with you my thoughts, opinion and expertise on the coaching industry.
This episode has tons of questions I answered from FAQ's but I also share some valuable information that may help you get clearer on why coaching is for you and why you need to hire a coach now!
Be sure to bring your pen and notebook to this episode because the questions are on point and my answers are value!
Let me know what you think in comments and be sure to share this episode with someone you thinks need this in their life. If you found value in today's episode, please sure in the reviews on apple podcast and on podchaser. Reviews help the show grow and be seen by more people.
If you're ready to jump into coaching and gain clarity in your purpose and journey in life head over to my website, I have a various packages for career and life coaching. If you need to make payments, be sure to let me know so we can adjust the package. We work with every budget!
Let's Connect!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#lifecoach #careercoach #coach #coaching # life #career #purpose #journey #transformyourlife #gowhereyouwanttogo #ownyourlife #discover #explore #focus #transform #thebestisyettocome

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
EP50: EXPERIENCING STRESS & ANXIETY? How to Address Your Stress and Open Yourself to Mindfulness & Meditation
I am so excited to bring you my good friend Sabrina Woods to the podcast! She is so special and I truly enjoyed spending time with her to talk about the topic of Mindfulness and Meditation. Let’s Dive In!!
Let’s first dive into understanding what mindfulness is. I feel like it is something we mention and talk about all the time, but have we truly gone deeper into what it is?
Sabrina mentioned that according to the APA, Mindfulness is the movement to moment of one’s awareness of judgment. Meditation works under the umbrella of mindfulness as a whole.
One of the practices of mindfulness is being in the moment and being present. Meditation is the act of removing the stress in the physical, emotional and mental process.
Some examples of practicing meditation is:
Tia Chi
Being oneself in sense and focusing
The benefits in creating a space of mindfulness are:
ability to manage stress
attention and focus
regulating emotions
increasing positive emotions/decreasing negative
Resources on creating mindfulness and support mentioned in todays episode:
Article: Job Search During Challenging Times
Tai chi video: -
Rise Above Your Stress:
Who Sabrina is and where to find her:
Sabrina Woods - Holistic Career Coach, Linkedin Trainer & Consultant
I help people to navigate challenging, or sometimes even mystifying, career and life transitions. I focus on career and life possibilities, but also what might take the edge off the stress in this moment. It's a holistic and resilient approach to career change and job search. In addition to coaching, I facilitate webinars and train-the-trainer sessions ranging from the Myers Briggs to Mindfulness to Linkedin. My desire is to educate, engage and inspire participants. During a session, you might sense my authenticity, down-to-earth nature, and (hopefully) infectious energy. I have taught sessions in the U.S., U.K. and Middle East. My background includes 20 years’ in the career services field at universities including Harvard, Northeastern and the University of London. I am also the President of the Career Counselors Consortium based in Boston. For more info: or
This episode was so amazing and I really enjoyed Sabrina’s insight. She has fully transformed her life through mindfulness and meditation. I as well am working into shifting and transforming some of these practices in my life.
If you’re ready to action and transform your career and life, I AM HERE FOR YOU! Let’s jump on a clarity session and discuss how coaching can help transform your life!
Here’s how to find me...
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
If this session brought you value today and if it impacted your life, please share it with someone who needs it. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a review! I read every single one of them and give shouts on the show too!
#lifecoach #mindfulness #meditation #careercoach #transformyourlife #gowhereyouwanttogo #ownyourlife #life #career #thebestisyettocome

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
EP49: THE POWER OF AFFIRMATION & MINDSET: How to Shift Your Journey in Life & Control Your Story
Today I want you to focus on your mind. Your mind needs care, love and exercise. Take care of it! 🤗🧠🧘🏽♂️🧘🏾♀️💆♀️💆🏿♂️
What I've learned over the years as a human and person who has had to train my mind to come back from Trauma, pain, depression, self doubt, tragedy, fear, anxiety, stress, needless to say the list can go on! 🤦🏽♂️🧏🏽♂️
At the end of the day it's your mind you have to get to know and train to do the work of where you want to be, go, and do! You have to give it the attention, training and rest so it can help you achieve the goals and successes you want! 🙌🏽🔥💭
Look at the questions, read them, write them down and live with them!
Don't worry about anybody but YOU!
Your dreams, goals, vision and life is for you to achieve what you want!
These questions are your guide to jump start you!
Who do you want to be?
What do you want for yourself?
When do you want it?
How are you going to achieve it?
It's NEVER too late to start and if you need a break, take it, give yourself that permission.
BUT don't let that self-doubt and self sabotage creep in! Remember what you came here to do! Take your time to do it at your own pace.
START TODAY! Don't strive for perfection, strive for PROGRESS
When you’re ready to take the action and get a coach, you know where to find me!
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo
#lifecoach #affirmations #positivity #transformyourlife #gowhereyouwanttogo #ownyourlife #life #career #thebestisyettocome #quotestolifeby

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
EP48: WHAT’S YOUR TOP 5? Harnessing The Power of Your Strengths, Skills & Talents to Build Your Passion & Discover Your Purpose
Hello my Chit Chatters & Millies!
In this week’s episode I am uncovering a tool that I have been using for over a decade with my clients and students to help them in your journey of academics, career and beyond.
This tool is called StrengthsQuest. It is an assessment that helps individuals uncover themes of talent to guide them in developing their skills and strengths and focus on how to be successful in all elements of their lives. As a Career & Life Coach, I have been using my own Top 5 themes to work with my clients, learn what their challenges and pain points are and how I can successfully support them in solving their problems.
I’ve committed myself to using my top 5 in all facets of my career, life, relationships and business. I truly believe that one someone uncovers their strengths and is able to understand how to use them, grow them and nurture them they have the ability to live to their full potential.
If you’re on a journey and on a path of seeking clarity to uncover your talents and want to learn more about your strengths let’s connect! You have the ability to enhance your life, career, relationship and family, why not take an hour to dig deep and uncover it?
For more information, be sure to email me or slide into the DM or connect on LinkedIn
Insta & Twitter: @josemiguellongo

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Hello Millennials!
I am so excited you're here! XO!
This episode is taking a deep dive to building your resilience during the toughest of times and giving you steps to shift your mindset and behavior to create a positive new beginning. Let's go! YOU GOT THIS!!!
I want to start by outlining a few things....
What is resilience?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
At it's core, resiliency is a matter of shifting, pivoting your mindset to to a positive space. Life can sometimes serve you some very challenging shit, but it's but to you to believe and affirm how you're going to overcome and move forward!
Here are my top 6 ways to take action, dig deep and overcome your challenges/problems and help you become a strong resilient YOU!
1. Attitude of Gratitude
2. Trust in GOD
3. Create a Vision for How You Plan To Overcome Your Feelings/Emotions and Solve Your Problems/Challenges
4. Reach Out To Your Support System
5. Mindfulness & Wellness
6. Explore New Beginnings

Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
EP46: HOW TO JUMP START YOUR JOB SEARCH IN 2021: 6 Tips to Get You Seen & Hired
Welcome back Chit Chatter!
In today’s episode I am going deep in the steps of how to maximize your time while job searching. We all know that job searching can be very daunting, stressful and even boring.
My tips in this episode are here to make your life and your time efficient and easy. If you’re on the hunt for a new position in 2021 make sure that you know what type of work you’re seeking. This will help you understand what keywords to use when searching in the job boards such as LinkedIn and Indeed.
Here are my top 6 tips!
Update Your Resume
You want to make sure that your resume is screaming HIRE ME! This means going through your experience and professional development line by line.
Tailor and Customize Your Resume to Match the Job
The most important and critical document in your job search process is your resume. Yes, you need to change your resume EVERY TIME YOU APPLY.
Trick #1: Create a master version of your resume that has all of your work experience of the past 7-10 years. Be sure to be detailed in every position you help and professional positions. This will help shorten your time in creating the custom resume for the new job you’re applying to.
Go through the job description of the job you want to apply for. Highlight every responsibility and qualification that you know you can do. Write an example of how you can perform these tasks and duties in the margin or in your word doc.
Use the keywords for the job description to add into your resume. These are searchable. Keywords are action words or phrases describing and action or event that are included in the description to help hiring managers and recruiters filter through applicants much quicker. You want these in your resume and cover letter.
Keep this in a safe space, I have every single version of a resume I’ve ever written since they invented flash drives! HA! You never know when it’s time to pull up an old relic.
Update Your LinkedIn Profile
Your LinkedIn profile is your resume on steroids. It’s your resume that never sleeps and it is the place where you can get seen by recruiters and potential employers.
Use keywords from your resume and the job descriptions you found to sprinkle throughout your profile.
Update your headline to “actively seeking employment in BLANK industry.” Look for similar headlines amongst other LinkedIn users
The idea is that your profile needs to scream HIRE ME! HIRE ME!
Start Engaging in Networking
LinkedIn is the largest social media networking platform. With over 500 Million active users, LinkedIn is the place to stand out and get seen!
Start to search for recruiters or people in the industry or field your interested in getting hired. This is how you can start to find people and then send them a customized invitation to join their network.
The connections you’re establishing are going to help you develop relationships and learn from those individuals who are hiring or can connect you to folks who are.
Customizing your invitation is critical to getting accepted on someone’s network. You will want to make sure you tailor a message to the person you want to connect with BEFORE YOU SEND THE INVITATION!
Join Groups, Create Posts & Share Info
Similar to other social media platforms, you want to get noticed. LinkedIn has an algorithm that allows its users to be visible. Create a post that catches your network’s attention
Share articles and resources that people share and comment on
Comment on other people’s posts so you can create engagement and draw attention to your profile
The Cover Letter
As annoying as they may be to write, a cover letter is an essential tool in the job search process. Writing one can be tedious, but if you follow the 4 steps I outlined in the podcast you should be a wiz at writing them in no time.
If you or someone you know needs assistance with their resume, their cover letter or LinkedIn profile, send them my way! My Job Search Pivot (JSP) program is a slam dunk to get you hired! Head over to my website, for details on purchasing this package.
IF you found value in this episode, do me a favor, leave a review on Apple Podcast and now on It would mean the world to me!
Until Next Time!
#bestisyettocome #millennials #NewYearNewYou #LifeCoach #CareerCoach #Goals #podcast #podcasting #LinkedIn #Jobsearch #Resume #CoverLetter

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
EP45: Let Me Reintroduce Myself: Podcast Rebrand |Gaining Clarity Through God |Digging Deeper in My Audience & Niche
Welcome to a very special episode of the podcast. As you may have seen or heard we have gone through some changes in our branding. YAASSSS!
Now to clarify, these changes aren't big, they are just a clearer picture of who I am as your host and how I've grown in the last 8 months. With each episode, each week and each month that went by, I was learning so much about myself. The message I wanted to deliver, I became more confident and comfortable in my own skin, owning my show and serving you as my audience. Can I tell you how amazing that feels?
These small refreshing changes are a reflection of the time we have spent together over the last 8 months! I appreciate all of you for showing up and listening.
Growth+Clarity=Change Change is good and can help people come out of their comfort zone. That’s one of the things we talk about all the time on the show is the great things that come when you step out of your comfort zone, you let God in and you trust the process.
In this episode, I introduce Coaching for Millennials which is the refreshed name of our podcast. This name is an evolution of what the podcast was. I dug really deep into my core with God for him to show how to serve the people I am here to help. This evolution comes with time and willingness to take the journey. I worked hard and let Him guide me. You should too!
Let’s get specific! Coaching for Millennials: Career | Life | LinkedIn- THAT’S DEEP!
Yes my friends it is and I am so confident about how we’re going to uncover topics about everyday life and living with more purpose and intention.
I am so excited about all of the things career related that can help you have an amazing career and business (you can have both if you want them!)
Then there is LinkedIn which is totally my jam. I am going to bring you guests that are REAL experts on this platform, but I am going to help you uncover strategies for LinkedIn that will help you in your professional life, create connections, a community, enhance your career and find clients for your business.
Let’s Go! I am here for you!
#bestisyettocome #millennials #NewYearNewYou #LifeCoach #CareerCoach #Goals #podcast #podcasting #LinkedIn

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
EP44: WHY PODCASTING IS FOR YOU! Tools | Resources | Inspiration to Get You Started
Happy New Year Friends! Welcome to 2021!
Wow! I can’t believe we are already in 2021 and I am so glad that the dumpster fire that 2020 was is now behind us! AMEN!!
As I thought about what I wanted the first episode of 2021 to be I was inspired by all the things I am grateful for and blessed with. The first thing that stood out to me was the PODCAST!!
Yes! The podcast is an instrumental part of my life and my coaching practice. It is how I get my message out to the masses. Podcast is a low cost tool to share with people anything you feel will help you create an audience and share your message.
In this episode I am sharing with you why podcasting is for everyone and why you should start one. I outlined the top 8 tools and resources to help you get started. Bring your pen and notebook for this one!
Let’s Dive In!
Top 8 Resources & Tools for Podcasting
1. Who is your Audience | Avatar | Ideal Client
Your podcast is an outlet to speak to the masses. But you must ask yourself,
Who is it for?
Who is your listener?
What is the purpose of your message?
These are some of the many questions you want to ask yourself in the process of brainstorming your content, name, description and tagline (more on that later).
2. Equipment
Equipment such as mic and pop filter is essential to produce clear and clean audio for your show. I have a blue yeti mic that I got from Best Buy because I had a gift card, but you can pick one up from Amazon. Blue Yeti’s have different price ranges, my retails $129.99, I got it on sale from Best Buy for $99.00 and had a gift card. You can pick up a decent USB Microphone from Amazon for as low as $35.00 Be sure to checkout the reviews before purchasing
Pop Filter: A pop filter is going to cover your mic and help reduce the popping sounds we make when talking. It also helps to make the sound much cleaner and allows for better quality when reducing the noise in between the filter. Amazon has them for $10.00!
With these two pieces of equipment you’re ready to get started in recording!
3: Recording Software
There are a ton of free recording software out there. Find one that is easy for you to use and works with your equipment. Almost all mics are USB and will work on any PC or Mac. Many individuals will use Audacity or GarageBand to record. Both of these softwares are free. Audacity can be used on any computer. GarageBand is only for Mac users.
This is going to be important for you to have good quality recordings.
4. Hosting Platforms
There are so many hosting platforms available today and it’s hard to always know which one is right for you. I use Podbean for my podcast because it is easy to use and very affordable. I paid $60 for the whole year through a special promo. Podbean offers the flexibility of having an app that is available for Android and iOS. This gives you the option to record from your phone if you ever have a moment of inspiration on the go. Here is a link to learn more about hosting platforms and deciding which one is the best for you:
5. Episode Recording & Launch Date
**I forgot to mention this in the audio**
At some point...You’re going to want to create an intro and outro for your podcast. This is telling your listeners what your show is about and what they can expect from your show. It is different from an episode intro which comes before the show intro on each episode. An intro is typically no longer than 1 minute long and accompanied by some music. You can do this for FREE too! Your outro is telling your audience thank you for listening, like, review, and share. Let them know here they can find you!
When you first launch your show it’s always a good idea to have a batch of episodes ready before launching. These are episodes recorded ready to go on a moment's notice or scheduled if your platform permits. This will help you in your show’s promotion and having a successful launch. These first few episodes are going to help you get noticed in your category and determine the frequency of when your episode should air. I do weekly episodes and I am working on creating content to do 2 episodes per week. The more episodes and content to you create the more visibility you can create for your show and the more your audience will come find you. CONSISTENCY IS KEY!!!
6. Podcast Name | Tagline | Description
Your podcast name is going to be the most important decision you make when you’re creating your show. You want your name to be a reflection of you and your audience, BUT it needs to be searchable for your avatar and audience to find you! This goes back to number 1 in this list. Your tagline and description need to be a part of the searchable keywords that will help your audience find you when they are searching.
For example: I am a Millennial Coach. Therefore Millennials are my audience. My niche, which goes with categories is Career | Life | LinkedIn so this is Education, Career, Business & Society & Culture. All of the terms (career, life, LinkedIn and coach) are searchable in the search field of the podcasts. You just need to find what fits well for you.
**Sign up for a clarity session to help you dig deeper on what this is!**
7. Channel Art or Podcast Cover Art & Promo Artwork
If you’re really good with graphic design, this will super easy, but if you’re not, it could still be super easy! You can go to Canva and find templates to help you create all of your cover art and channel art. I didn’t really jump on the Canva bandwagon until 6 months after having my podcast so I had someone design it for me. A great space for great designers is on Fiverr. Super affordable, quick and easy. I think my channel art was about $35.00 when I launched last March (first episode released was April). You also want to create promo art for different social media platforms. I promote my podcast on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn each have different size photo/images. Canva is a great tool to create this. You can head over to my Instagram to check out all of my promo artwork.
8. Podcast Pro University
Last but not least is Podcast Pro University! This is the mecca of podcast courses and I promise you it is worth every single penny of your investment. This is the #1 podcast course out there and I promise you if you follow everything Stef says you will be charting everywhere in your categories!
I purchased this course after I had launched my podcast and I wish I had learned about a lot sooner because I truly believe I would have had a better launch. BUT I learned so much from the course that helped me grow my show, audience, downloads and make a profit!!
You can take advantage of of Podcast Pro University by going to:
Thank you all for being an amazing part of my heart and community. I am so excited for all of the beautiful episodes and things we are going to create in 2021. This podcast is just getting started and the best is yet to come!
José Miguel
#bestisyettocome #millennials #NewYearNewYou #LifeCoach #CareerCoach #Goals #podcast #podcasting

This is the description area. You can write an introduction or add anything you want to tell your audience. This can help listeners better understand your podcast.